Chapter 12

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~Skips a week~

“Hey Al come her I want you to meet someone” Austen called from the front of the buss

I groaned shutting off one of my favorite songs ‘If you can’t hang’. I got out of the bunk for the first time today, because it was a day off and I was being lazy. I looked down to see what I was wearing and shrugged, I was in a pair of pajama shorts that are way too short but I had one of Austin’s shirt covering most of the cuts on my thigh. Everyone on the bus found out that I cut myself last week and they all gave me there little speeches. Witch I just ignored because I heard it all before. 

While I was walking to the front I heard Austin talking to someone who I’ve never heard before, I shrugged and opened the little door thing. The mystery person had their back to me but they were taller than me, and had nice longish black hair.

“Okay so… Alex I would like you to meet my friend Kellin” Austin said and I just froze, Kellin turned around and I made a noise well more like a squeak.

“Hey so you’re the Alex I’ve heard about” He looked me up and down and I jumped

“I have pants on I swear… um give me a minuet” I ran back to the bunks and shut that door thing, I just heard Austin and Kellin laughing

“Fuck” I mumbled to myself, I threw on a guns n’ roses shirt that cut off a little below my bellybutton and a pair of dark wash jeans, I slipped on a pair black vans and threw my hair up in a ponytail. I looked in the bathroom mirror and groaned, my mascara was all over my eyes. I quickly washed it off and put some new mascara on. I walked out and to the front of the buss

“H-Hi… um I’m Alex” I said looking down at my shoes Austin just laughed and pulled me down on his lap, he’s been doing that a lot lately actually now that I think of it he’s been doing a lot of things that couples do with me.

“I know” Kellin laughed “Austin’s told me a lot about you, like how you’re a fan” He smiled and I felt my face get warm I just nodded looking at him still in shock “The thing Austin didn’t tell me is that you two are dating” my eyes most have popped out of my head and Austin started to cough I jumped off of him is shock

“Oh god I crushed him” I thought but Kellin and Austin started to laugh and I looked at them confused

“You said that out loud ba- Alex” Austin cut himself off. I walled to the fridge and threw him a water and he thanked me

“Soo you guys aren’t dating then?” Kellin Asked and before Austin of I could respond Alan yelled from god knows where

“I know right?!” I jumped ad turned around because I thought he was out with the guys “I’ve been telling Aus- uhh never mind, so Kellin… whats up man?” Alan asked and they started talking

I walked over to Austin and sat next to them “You invited fucking Kellin Quinn over?!” I whispered yelled and he just laughed putting an arm around me

“Yeah, I know how much you like him just remember he’s married and has a kid” He said tightening his grip on me and I laughed

“I know, anyway he’s not really my type” he raised his eye brows

“What’s your type?”

“Well they have to be tall, have a lot of tattoos... hum be in a band” And I started to list things about him “They have nice brown eyes, they sing very loud…” I was looking Austin into the eyes when I realized how close we were. I saw his eyes flicker to my lips, and mine did the same. Austen started to lean in and he placed his hand on my check and my back pulling me in slowly, just as our lips brushed tougher there was a noise of a camera going off and so was a flash.

“You dumb ass the flash was on” Kellin yelled at Alan and Austin just laughed closing the gap pressing his lips to mine

What a hell of a morning


“So Alex, Austin told me what you do” Kellin said as we were walking around the empty venue, after Austin and I kissed and Alan fangirled taking about 100 pictures Kellin asked if we could walk around to get to know mw better, and of course I said yes

“Um and what would that be?” I asked looking at my arm covered in bracelets

“Self- harm…” He trailed off looking at my arm

“Oh, yeah that” I mumbled I started to take off my bracelets because I knew the question was going to come

After I got them all off Kellin took my arm into his hands running his finders over the bumps and scars “You know you don’t deserve this right?” he looked me in the eyes and I just shrugged not really wanting to answer

“Al… you an awesome person ok? You shouldn’t do this to yourself its bad” I don’t know what was wrong with what he just said but something in me snapped

“No, okay I’m fucking not. My parents hate me my father kicked me out after finding out that I cut and I can’t go back to my mother because she basically told me to kill myself and she wouldn’t care. You say that to every fucking person you meet that cuts them self, but I deserve it… I deserve everything” I grabbed my bracelets and ran back to the buss

People say things will get better, that in the end things work out. But not for me, nothing works out how I plan.


Authors note

Hehehe sorry…. Um but anyway I’m planning on ending this soon… sorry but have a bunch of ideas for story’s later on I have an ideas book if you wanna check it out. ALSO FUCKING AUSTIN CARLILE LIKED MY PICTURE ON INSTAGRAM!!! FUCK ME IN THE ASS AND CALL ME SALLY! Ig: stay_away_from_my_ptv love youssss

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