Chapter 11

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{Picture is me saying how sorry i am}

~Alex’s POV~

I was jumping around on side stage listening to of mice play, and let me say it was AMAZING! Austin kept looking over towards me and laughing because I was jumping so much. Right now they were on their last song when you can't sleep at night and I was singing my heart out with Aaron. Even though yesterday was pretty crappy, this moment was amazing.

"Thank you guys so fucking much! We're Of Mice & Men and we all love you" Austin yelled out to the crowd and they all yelled in response.

All of the guys came running towards me and tackled me in a hug

"Ew get off your all sweaty and smelly" I scrunched up my nose.

They all laughed and let go but when Aaron let go his eyes went to my thigh and I immediately pulled my shorts lower to cover my cuts. He looked me in the eyes and I just shook my head looking down

“So you all smell, go take showers” I laughed a nervous laugh

They all agreed and walked off towards the buss to take showers but Aaron just nodded his head to tell me to follow him, which I did. After walking for a while we got to an empty place in the parking lot where no one was, he sat down and I followed

“Why?” He asked. I opened and closed my mouth a few times not knowing what to say, so I just shrugged “Does it have to deal with what happened yesterday” again I didn’t respond I just shrugged “Alex you have to talk” He said looking at me I just looked at my hip running my fingers over the lower cuts

“It” I took a deep breath “It just h-hurts so much” I whispered hoping he wouldn’t hear, but he did he put his arm around me and pulled me into a side hug

“What hurts?” I stayed quiet because I wasn’t too sure what hurt I just knew that I felt really hurt

“Everything” and my walls broke down, the dams that were holding back my tears shattered into a million pieces. I finally let it all out and cried. Aaron rubbed my back saying how it would be okay but I wasn’t so sure about that.


After an hour later I was out of tears, Aaron made me talk about it and I actually felt a little better after. He told me that if I ever felt like I wanted to cut to just talk to him, and I might take him up on that offer. Aaron and I were finally in the buss and Austin came up to us

“Where were you? I called you both like ten times?” He asked sounding panicked

“I-I just had to talk to him about something, don’t worry about it I’m fine” Austen looked at Aaron and he nodded

I walked past Austen grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a tank top and then I made my way to the shower.


I did the shower stuff and threw on my cloths deciding to leave my hair down, the guys were in the back lounge watching what I this was star wars. I walked to the kitchen making a cup of tea and walking to the back. When I got there only the floor was open but that just won’t do. I walked over to Austin who what on the end and sat on him, putting my back to the wall and my legs rested on Alan

“Hey I am not a chair” Austin said

“Yeah and I’m not a foot rest” Alan said with fake anger

“But your comfyyy” I groaned rolling my head into Austin’s neck, god he smells amazing

“Fine” Austin mumbled wrapping his arms around me to make himself comfortable, I smiled and kissed his neck as a happy jester.

Austin’s breath hitched and I smiled to myself turning my head to look at the guys, they were all too interested in the movie to care about us. I have no idea where this sudden boost of confidence came from but I liked it. First I leant into Austin and wiggled my butt agents his thighs to get conferrable, Then I leant up and kissed the side of his neck. He looked down at me with wide eyes and I just smiled

“What are you doing?” He whispered and I just shrugged leaning up to kiss him on the lips

Not even a second later I heard someone clear there trout, I groaned and looked at Tino

“We are trying to watch a movie not a porno, Thanks” He laughed I just smiled and shook my head

“Whatever its late and I’m going to bed” I got up and made my way to the bunk and slipping off into darkness.


Hey guys I am so so so fucking sorry I haven’t updated in a month! I’ve just been really busy and I know I say that a lot but it’s true I had so many test lately. Anyway I know this is SO short I will try my hardest to update right after Christmas day. Merry Christmas I hope you all get what you want and I hope you have a good day 

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