Chapter 1

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{July 2 A month later}

I was next in line to meet Of Mice & Men, I was so excited that I couldn’t even stand still.

“Alex calm down, your freaking me out” Paige said while laughing

“I can’t! I’m meeting people that I loved for years”

“NEXT” the grad yelled

“Alex come on its out turn” Paige pulled me to the table because my feet would not work at all. Once we were at the table my eyes widened and I couldn’t breath

“Erm… is your friend ok?” Alan fucking Ashby asked

“I think… Alex are you okay?” Paige asked me. Am I ok? Nope not at all in side I’m screaming and crying because I am finally face to face with the people that have saved my life

“Alex?” Austin asked this time, and I lost it everything was too much I couldn’t breathe my legs started to wobble and my vision got blurry

“Fuck” was the last thing out of my mouth before I fell to the floor and everything bot black… all I could hear was my name being called

“Alex”   “ALEX WAKE UP”

I shot up so I was sitting on my bed “What where why?” was all I got out in between breaths it took me a few seconds to realize that I was in my bedroom and not at warped tour.

“HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!” my dad yelled

“Urgg” I looked at my phone to see the time “5 am… YOU WOKE ME UP AT 5 AM FOR THAT!” I yelled and my dad rolled his eyes

“Yeah because I have to get to work, there are presents in the kitchen and you HAVE to call your mother. I don’t care how much you hate her you have to” he kissed me on my forehead “happy birthday I love you and I’ll be home soon” with that he left my room and I heard the door being locked.

Now that I’m up its dumb to think I can actually fall asleep. I grabbed my phone to see if I had any texts from… I have one friend so I looked to see if Page texted me saying happy birthday. ‘Its 5 am why would she wake up at 5 am to wish you happy birthday’ I thought to myself. And that thought was right I had no texts no tweets no nothing oh well. I rolled out of bed and made my way to my bathroom to do the bathroom shit. I took a shower, brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, blah blah blah. When I walked out of the bathroom something in the kitchen caught my eye, right my presents. I walked over to them there were 4 bags filled with cloths… I used to hate to get cloths for presents but now that’s all I want.

After I put my cloths away it was about 7am so I decided to make breakfast. I made a small bowl of oatmeal and sat on the couch turning on the tv. After I ate I laid on the couch shutting my eyes and I fell asleep.

*Knock Knock*

“Mhhm” I mumbled rolling over falling off the fucking couch “ouch”


“Yeah yeah, hold on” I got off the floor and walked to the door when I opened it I got attacked by a wild Amanda. “WOAH” I tried to keep standing but that didn’t help I fell to the floor

“Happy birthday” Amanda said. Okay so I guess you’re wondering who the hell is Amanda. Well Amanda is one of my older sisters, she is 25 and acts like a 12 year old.

“Thanks, now get off of me” I pushed her off so I could stand up when I hued someone clear there throat… dear god give me strength

“Hello Alex” my ‘mother’ said to me as she made her way into the kitchen “Happy birthday” she mumbled

I looked at Amanda and gave her the ‘what the hell’ look and she gave me the ‘sorry’ look I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen. Let’s get this hell over with.

~2 hours later~

“NEVER COME BACK!” I yelled at my mom

“I NEVER WILL” she yelled back and slammed the front door leaving me alone.

‘God why does he have to be my mother’ I thought she always turns things into problems. I cleaned up what mess she made and I walked into my room slamming my door. I laid down on my bed and shut my eyes to relax, just when my phone started to ring.

“What” I asked in a pissed off voice

“Hey come side I’m going to make your birthday better” Paige said “and I will not take no as an answer”

“urg fine give me a minuet”

Paige can always make a crappy day better no matter what it is, even if she texts me one word it brightens up my day, about 3 minutes later I was ready to go. I grabbed my bag and locked my door to see Paige standing outside of the apartment.

Paige and I hung out all day we walked through central park, saw a movie, and we got food to eat. Today was a crappy day but once I was with Paige everything got better, and I’m glad to have her in my life. We talked about how we have warped tour in 3 days and how we are getting there, I told her about the dreams that I have about meeting OM&M and passing out. She would laugh at it because she thought it was a sign of what’s going to happen.

When I got home I was still alone at it was around 11pm so I decided to change and go to bed.

Authors Note

Okay so I tried to make this longer. July 2 is my actual birthday. This chapter sucks ass and I’m sorry I really wanted to write but idk. The next chapter is going to be about when they get to warped tour and all that fun stuff so yeah. Thanks for reading, share the story and vote. If you have questions or anything please leave a comment and I will get back to it.

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