Chapter 3

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I was sitting with Alan and Tino 2/5 of the band Of Mice & Men, just talking and smoking. Who would have thought Alex a girl who has anxiety attacks, self harms, and is depressed to be sitting with 2/5 people who saved her live a number of times, not Me that's for sure. It has been about 20 minutes of us just talking and getting to know each other when my phone goes off

"Alex where the fuck are you Attila goes on in 10, get your ass to the stage I'm in the front ~Sexy MoFo" I started to laugh at the name I gave her in my phone and then I realized I had 10 minutes to get my ass to the stage.

"Hey guys, I would love to stay and talk more but I have to get to the monster stage. I'll be at your signing later" I got up and started to walk away

"Hey wait, what's your name?" Tino asked

"Alex... Alex Rose" I turned on my heal and ran to the stage

~~Alan's POV~~

"Hey wait, what's your name?" Tino asked

"Alex... Alex Rose" she turned on her heal and ran to the stage

"Wow... she is Perfe-" I cut him off

"TINO you have a wife" he started to laugh and shake his head

"If you let me fucking finish, I was going to say she is perfect for Austin, the only single one in the band" his statement made me turn my lips into a smirk

"Oh so are you saying that A&T Match Makers are a go?" I asked and Tino laughed

"Yes, A&T Match Makers are a go" I jumped to my feet

"Come on we have to tell Austin about herrr" I grabbed Tinos arm and pulled him up

"Calm down, first we have to make a plan..." Tino thought for a minuet "I got it, so the plan is...." {A/N Im not gonna tell you}

~~Alex's POV~~

Attila's set was AMAZING I was all the way at the front with Paige, and I got some amazing shots of the band. Which is saying a lot because it was on my phone and I was being pushed, but hey it was so much fun.

"Okay so next is Mayday Parade at the main stage and right after them are we the kings" Paige said handing me the set list

"Okay follow me I'll get us to the front" I grabbed Paige's hand and dragged her through the crowed until we were about 4 people away from the barrier "Okay so this is as good as it will get, but once people start to jump just stay with me" I told Paige and she nodded, now we just had to wait till they got on stage

"OUCH, Hey fat ass got off my foot" someone yelled to the right of me, soon I felt that someone push me and I stumbled into the person to the left of me

"Oh um sorry I didn't mean t-" I was cut off

"Shut up fag you're lucky you didn't brake it with being so fat!" she yelled into my face and I just rolled my eyes 'When the music starts just push her away' I thought but I can't I'm not that kind of person I'm to fucking nice to people.

'You're so stupide you can't even be mean for one day in your life'

'You're so fat it's a wonder to us all how you didn't break her foot'

My mind kept yelling and yelling at me I just couldn't take it I needed to get out, people being up my ass was not helping me calm down. I was having and anxiety attack

"Paige I have to go, I will meet you after I promise" she nodded and I pushed pass people to get out but no one would move I felt my breath fall short and my vision fall short but someone picked me up and threw me yelling "GET HER OUT SHE CANT BREATH"

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