Chapter 7

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~Alex POV~

I woke up with the biggest headache in the world, ‘see that what you get for drinking dumbass’ oh well, I wasn’t too sure where I was I was in a bunk. I opened my eyes and say I was sleeping next to Tay, how the hell did I get here? I rolled out of the bunk trying not to wake her I looked at my phone and saw it was 12pm ‘guess I should get back to of mice’s buss for buss call. I left Tay a note saying

To Tay,

   I had a really fun time last night even though I don’t remember much, anyway I left around 12pm so I could make buss call. Text me when you wake up 917-844-0358 {Idk if the number is real or not so…}                                                                   

                                                                                                                              Love Alex

I put it on the fridge so she would see it then I slipped on my shoes and left. Once I was outside I wish I had sunglasses because oh fuck I was blind, once I made it back to of mice’s buss I could already hear people talking inside I opened the door and even one stopped talking and stared at me

“Uhh hi?” I said but it sounded like a question

“Where were you we couldn’t find you all night?” Aaron said just then Austin came out of the bathroom looked at me and rolled his eyes

“Why don’t you ask Tay” she said sitting down next to Alan

“What do you mean?” I asked because I had no idea where he was going with this

“How much do you remember from last night?” Alan asked and I thought

“Not a lot I blacked out after my second bottle of jack so nothing really ohh I was talking with Jack from ATL… that’s about it” I said rubbing my neck “Why what did I do?” I looked at Austin

“Oh you know just that you had Tay pinned up between a bus and making out” he said

“Shit no that couldn’t of happened urg I’m so stupide” I mumbled sitting on the couch rubbing my head

Flash back

“H-hey… Alex wannaa know somethinggg” Tay slurred


“Follow me” she led me away from the music so I could actually here her talk “I wanna do something but shhh you can’t tell anyone” she wisped

“Okay I won’t tell” I wisped back.

She leaned in and grabbed my face and kissed me, I had no idea what was happening I like Austin but why and I kissing back oh right I’m drunk as fuck. I grabbed her hips and forced her up ageist the buss and bit her bottom lip and she monad and I took that chance to play with her tong she was running her hands through my hair and then I heard something like a gasp or something so I stopped and then I realized what happened I just made out with Tay and I really like Austin

“Oh fuck Tay I am so sorry but I can’t do this I like you but as a friend, I actually like someone” I said looking at her backing up a little

“Shit Al im so sorry i-I didn’t mean to I just got carried away…” She got all pale

“No its fine just we can’t do that sorry” she nodded

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