Chapter 2

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{July 5}

“In a little over 16 hours we will be at warped tour” Paige said to me with wide eyes.  I just smiled and nodded not knowing what to say, I was excited but I was also very fucking scared. I’ve gone to concerts before and they were amazing but warped tour… I’m going to shit myself, and also the fact that I’m meeting Of Mice & Men. I’m scared shitless for that, I’m meeting the people that I have looked up to for most of my life. I can’t even think about it without getting anxiety, you see I have bad anxiety attacks where I stop breathing and pass out. That’s what I’m scared about, I’m scared ill have an attack and people will make fun of me. I can’t let that happe-

“Hello earth to Alex” Paige waved her hand in my face

“Oh um sorry I was in my own world…”

“Yeah well don’t worry about it okay. You will be fine I’m there with you incase anything happens”

“Okay thanks, let’s get ready for bed we need as much sleep as we can get” she smiled and jumped onto my bed “we have to get up at around 5am so we can take showers and all that fun stuff” Paige mumbled ‘okay’ and got under the sheets. (Not dirty wise god…) I turned on my TV and also got into bed.

“Warped tour here we come” was the last thing I heard before I passed out.


“What the hell shut that shit off” I heard an annoyed Paige

“I’ll go take my shower first you have half an hour” I rolled out of bed and stood up

“Mhm” Paige grabbed the blanket and rolled over. I walked out of my room and walked into my bathroom turning on the water on the shower getting to the right tempter. Once the water was warm I took off my cloths and got under the water. Once the water hit my skin my muscles started to relax right away. I was under the water for about 10 minutes when I realized I had somewhere to go, so I grabbed my shampoo and washed my hair same with my body. After I got the shampoo out I put on conditioner and shaved my legs. After a 30 minuet shower I got out and dried my body and hair. I walked into my room with a towel on and I found Paige still passed out on my bed

“Paige wake up” she mumbled something and rolled over “PAIGE LOOK ITS VIC FUENTES!” she jumped out of my bed to her feet

“WHAT WHERE… YOU ASS!” she yelled at me and I couldn’t help but laugh

“Go take a shower so you don’t smell later” I pushed her to the bathroom

“Yeah yeah I’m going” I shut my door and put on my music so I could get ready.

I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my underwear, bra, tank top, shirt, shorts. I was wearing an Of Mice & Men tank top as my shirt and I had jean shorts. I put my clothes on was went to do my hair, I have red hair and it just passes my boobs. I put it up into a high bun so I wouldn’t get it pulled on by ass holes. As I finished with my hair Paige walked in already changed. She had on a Pierce the Veil tank top and shorts. She also had her long brown hair in a high bun. I grabbed my makeup and stared to do it, I put on a skin color powder, black eye liner and black mascara. After I did that I put on some bracelets to cover my wrist, because face the facts no one wants to see a cut up wrist.

“Com onnnnn lets goooooo” Paige groaned

“Yeah, let’s go” I grabbed my bag holding the essentials I walked out of my apparent and locked the door.

“Holy Fuck! It’s hot at 7am” Paige grabbed her sunglasses and put them over her eyes

“I told you it’s getting up to at least 88* today” Paige groaned at my statement. We walked to my car a black 2 door jeep wrangler sport and I took the doors and roof off. Once we were in the car my Of Mice & Men cd started to play

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