Chapter 8

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~Alex’s POV~

It’s been 4 days, 4 amazing Days that I spent with the Of Mice guys but sadly I was supposed to be going home today. The whole time I was with the guys I haven’t thought about cutting or smoking or other things… Anyway right now I’m just sitting in the main part of the bus, it’s about 5am and I haven’t really slept last night because I just don’t want things to go back the way they were. Waking up to an empty house, maybe going to the park and falling asleep with an empty house. I was disturbed by my thoughts when there was movement from the bunk area

“What are you doing up so early?” Austin asked I looked over towards him, he was only warring a pair of basketball shorts and he was stretching showing off his v line

“Can’t sleep” I mumbled taking a sip of my tea Austin grabbed some pills and a water and sat next to me wrapping his arm around me

“What’s got you thinking” he asked

“It’s just… I don’t want to go back to how things used to be” I mumbled

“How were things?” He asked again

“Lonely… I’m basically living by myself I never see my dad… just… I find myself more depressed in the summer” I whispered the last part I guess Austin heard me because he pulled me closer

“You don’t have to go” He said and I looked up at him with my eyebrows furred {Is that the word? I have no idea} “Me and the guys were talking about this… and we would all like if you, you know stayed on tour with us” I just looked at him in shock

“You’re joking…” I said and Austin just shook his head

“Because we have off today we were going to go into the city get you some cloths and stuff and take you with us” He said with a small smile “We would just have to ask you dad and stuff” I already knew my dad would say yes and if not I would go anyway. I was so happy and so close to Austin I just leaned closer to him, He must have had the same idea when he captured his lips with mine

~ Austin’s POV~

She was leaning closer and her eyes flashed to my lips I took this opportunity to close the gap and press my lips with hers this kiss felt like no other kiss I have ever had. Her lips were soft and just so… kissable, but good things never last long. She pulled back smiling

“Thank you so much” She mumbled and hugged me I shuffled so I was laying on the couch with her in my arms

“Get some sleep now okay?” I asked her

“I’ll try” she mumbled into my chest


“Awww look at them there so cuteee”

“Shut up you’ll wake them”

“I need to take a picture”

“I ship it”

“Shut up” Alex mumbled rolling in my arms, I just tightened my grip

I slowly opened my eyes to find Alan, Tino, Phil, and Aaron standing over us with their phones out

“What time is it?” I asked sitting up slowly trying not to drop Alex who was sitting on my lap now

“Almost 12 so if you still want to go into the city I would leave soon” Phil said looking at his phone

“Urg” Alex groaned and dug her face into my neck I just laughed

“Come on, we have to leave” I said getting up with her in my arms I brought her to the bunks so I could give her some cloths

“Do you want to ware one of my shirts or get one from a murch stand?” I asked

“Yours” she smiled I put her on the ground much to her protest and went into my bag and got her a shirt

“Do you want to wear my shorts again or yours?”

“I could ware mine” I nodded and handed her the shorts and she left to go to the bathroom. I could already tell things were going to be good.

~Alex’s POV~

After I got changed I fixed my hair and Austin and I took the car into the city. I told Austin how to get to the apartments and we were there in no time.

“So this is where I live I guess” I said digging in my bag for my keys, after I opened the main door I went to see if we got any mail ‘that’s weird… dad never gets the mail’ oh well maybe he did this once. I walked up the flight of stairs and opened the door to the armament. “Dad? Jen?” I called but instead I got something I would never ask for

“Alexandria where the hell have you been!?”My mother yelled from the kitchen

“Oh Lord give me strength” I mumbled loud enough for Austin to hear he just laughed a little “I was with friends” I said walking into the kitchen with Austin behind me “Why are you here?” I asked

“Well you still are my daughter and when I asked your Father where you were he had no idea” she was sitting at the table with her legs crossed and her hands knitted tougher “Who is this?” She asked with venom in her voice

“My friend, I’m staying with him and his band for the summer” I started to make my way to my room but she stood up in her black heals and put her hand on my chest

“Oh I don’t think so… not with him” She spat giving Austin the up and down. Praise his hart for not yelling at her

“Well I’m not a kid and I don’t have to listen to you, and I would like it if you to leave this house” I said looking down into her eyes because even in her 5inch heals I’m still taller than her.

“I don’t think you father would appro-” I cut her off

“Just shut up and leave you don’t live here” I said raising my voice

“Fine do whatever you want with your li-” she looked at my arm god damn it I forgot to recover it “ha I always knew you did this shit” she laughed

“I think you should leave” Austin said behind me putting his hand on my arm

“Whatever, if you cut yourself to death I don’t think I’ll really care”

“Get out” Austin said in a firm voice she huffed, grabbed her purse and as she was leaving she said

“Have fun when I tell your father all of this” she slammed the door and I was just left there looking at the floor with my eyes wide

“Alex come on what she said was complete bullshit okay? You are amazing don’t let her words get to you” Austin said now standing in front of me I just nodded and walked to my room trying not to cry.

What a wonderful morning.


Authors Note

Oh my god I feel so bad! I haven’t updated in ever I’m sorry but I have my reasons. At first it was because I wasn’t feeling good mentally and I just couldn’t focus on anything and my mind was kinda scarring me and it still is but eh. Also my dog died and I loved him very much and now I just feel worse and my mind is kinda getting worse, I really wanna get help for it but I’m scared of what my family will think of me. But yeah :/ thank you guys for still putting up with my crappy story’s but yeah I love yous  

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