Chapter 5

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“Alex you are coming on tour with us for the next few days”

“Alex you are coming on tour with us for the next few days”

That sentence kept running through my brain, over and over again. There is no way he actually just said that just no fucking way, this has to be a dream a very fucked up dream. Just to make sure I’m going to pinch myself yup that’s what I’ll do.


“Why are you pinching yourself?” Alan asked

“Uh oh um because… there is no way this could be real so I was making sure I wasn’t dreaming” I mumbled and rubbed the back of my neck that caused the guys to ‘Aww’

“Well you’re not dreaming so let’s go get some food and then we can head back to the buss” Phill said and Tino and Alan nodded saying how they were starving they all walked toward a big van that could hold about 8 people if needed.

“Shot gun!” Phill and Alan yelled at the same time

“Guys let Alex get it she is the gust” Tino said and Austin nodded

“Oh no I don’t mind” I said looking up for the first time

“Nope you get to sit next to me while I drive” Austin said and I just said an ‘Okay’

When we were driving to get food the guys were just telling story’s that happened to them over the course of Warped. When we got to a sushi place I smiled to myself because I love me some sushi.

When we sat down we ordered some random roles for the table.

“So Alex tell us about yourself” Tino said

“Um well I turned 18 on the 2nd actually, I like to sing, skateboard, cook, draw, and play guitar. I live with my Dad and his girlfriend, I have 2 older sisters and an older brother but I never really see them all that much. I like dogs and cats but I love Polar Bears because there amazing, and um yeah I guess that’s it” I said while looking around at the guys. They all nodded and looked interested in my life.

“What about your mom?” Tino asked

“Oh well it’s a long story but when I was about 15 and still lived with her she came home from work and started to yell at me saying how she never wanted me and how I was a mistake and I was just done with getting yelled at every day and told that she doesn’t want me so I packed my things and went to my dad’s” I said just shrugging my shoulders “It doesn’t really affect me anymore like when I was younger, I just got used to not having a caring mother and moved on with my life”

“Wow well shit kid I’m sorry” Tino said

“First off I am not a kid I’m 18 and second it’s okay” I gave a small smile

After that they brought the food out and we all ate, they guys were talking about whatever they were talking I didn’t really listen that much because I couldn’t stop thinking. I, Alex Rose is going to be going on tour for the next few days with Of Mice & Men. HOLY FUCKING SHIT it’s just fully hitting me now, I am going to be with my hero’s and the man I had a huge crush on since I was 14. I guess I must have been really out of it because the next thing I know is were back in the van about 5 minutes from warped.

“So Alex are you ready to see your home for the next few days?” Austin said looking at me

“Uh yeah I guess” I smiled right when I said that we pulled up next to all of the busses, everyone got out of the van and started walking to what I guess is Of Mice’s tour bus.

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