Chapter 4

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~~Austin's POV~~

Once we got to the hospital Alan ran up to the desk

"Can you tell us what room Alex Rose is in?" how does he know her name

The lady typed on her computer "She is still in surgery she should be out soon but until then please take a seat" she gestured to the waiting room, we all when and sat down

"Hey Alan, how do you know that girls name?" I asked

"Um well Tino and I were walking and we saw her smoking so we joined her, she is really cool. So um Tino and I thought she was perfect... for you... so I saw her run to that tree and we wanted you to meet her... I-I didn't think she was hurting herself, i-if I knew I would h-have stopped her but I-" I cut him off

"It's not your fault don't worry you knew nothing about what she was doing. And what did I say about getting involved with my love life?" Alan smiled and surged his shoulders. We waited for about half an hour when a doctor walked in.

"Are you family to Alex Rose?" without thinking I answered

"Yes we are, how is she?" I asked he looked at us like I was lying witch I was

"She lost a lot of blood but we have her stable" he said looking at some papers in his hands

"Can we go see her?" Alan asked "What room is she in?" Phill asked

"Yes but she is in a light coma but it a light coma is like when someone is a heavy sleeper, she is room B205" me and the guys made our way to the elevator to take it up the second floor. We walked to the door and I looked in she was laying in the bed with these wires hooked up to her she looked lifeless. I opened the door and walked in with the guy's right behind me. I walked up to her and I sat in the chair taking her hand and whispering

"You can pull through this you are strong"

~~Alex's POV~~

Everything was black, I couldn't see anything but I heard things like

"You can pull through this you are strong"

"Her phone is going crazy"

"Who is Sexy MoFo?"

"I think that's her friend she was with"

erg why can I speak or open my eyes, it feels like someone has sewn them shut. It feels like someone is holding my hand maybe if I

"Guys she just squeezed my hand!" someone yelled

"Alex is you can hear us squeeze my hand again" and I squeezed there hand again

"Can you try to open your eyes?" someone asked I tried and tried to open my eyes but It wouldn't work "You can do it I know you can" someone whispered into my ear and I tried again. My eyes fluttered open and I snapped them shut

"Bright" was all I said but it just caused me to cough, I tried again and I got them to stay open, where was I looked around and everything was white and light blue. I was lying in a bed and there are wirers hooked up to my arms. Then it all came rushing into my brain I cut to deep I actually did it I was gone, but now I'm back. I started to cry I just want to be gone forever.

"Hey, hey don't cry you're okay" someone said and they ran their hand down my back, I didn't get to see who it was but I just grabbed there shirt and hugged them while I cried. They were shocked at first but then they hugged back even harder.

"Shhh just breath you're okay now" it was a deep voice so it was a man I knew that, they smelt like mint and musk it was weird but smelt like home

"No... I-I just w-want to leave and never c-come back, I hate it h-here" I tried to get my breathing back to normal because the heart monitor was going crazy.

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