Rose Tyler: Defender of the Earth

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  A fan fiction writer inspired me to write this, so all credit goes to her. Check out her fanfictions, it's a series about Rose and the Doctor (9,10, and 11) it is brilliant.

  The story was written by a writer with the username of Lumendea.

  The book series in which she is currently writing is called: the Guardians of the Universe series.

Completed books within the series: The Blonde Girl (first), Defender of the Earth (second), The Companion Connection (third)

Currently writing: The Tyler Factory

  It is an amazing series and you should try and read it. Great author.

  Reminder: Rose Tyler had mates, she even mentioned it in the show, before she met the Doctor. Which is where Shireen and Sharon come; Rose mentioned both of their names (or maybe one) to the Doctor so they are characters made by BBC which goes as a disclaimer. I do not know Shireen or Sharon's surname so I will be making one up. Nor do I know how they look like, so I'll be making them up.

  Another Reminder: I create my own stories, but the facts are straight from BBC. Sometimes, I will just rewrite a whole episode. Sometimes I will make my own.

  Another another Reminder: This story is mostly focused on Rose Tyler. Not the Doctor. UNIT is a big part of this story, just as the Doctor is (and so is Torchwood 3). Keep in mind that since this is a Rose Tyler story, meaning that it will be a long time (probably) before Rose meets the Doctor. I have to set her history straight first, because this is a completely different Rose Tyler.

  Rose is a different person here. So I guess she's an OOC. But she's still Rose Marion Tyler, just... different.


  Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who or Torchwood materials and characters that I will be using in the story, BBC does. Keep in mind that I was inspired by another fanfiction author to do this, so if you have read her stories, anything familiar is because of her. But I will have my own characters and adventures.

  Copy Right BBC. I used some of the facts here from the Doctor Who: Visual Dictionary. It's a book full of facts about Doctor Who.

  Friendly Reminder that this is my own Doctor Who world, so not everything is in order. For example, remember the Daleks in Utah? You'll meet them differently. Because my story line isn't like Doctor Who, but it some of the chapters have the same plot. Just saying...

Rose Tyler: Defender of the Earth (Doctor Who Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now