Chapter 2: Shireen Grandeur and Sharon Osbourne

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After taking a shower, Rose went inside her room to change. Recently, Rose decided to change her outfit. Gone were the pink clothes, replaced immediately by leather jackets, and shirts that Rose felt comfortable in. Gone were the skirts her mother used to buys her, replaced by skinny jeans and pants with colours that Jackie found dull. Gone were the sandals and heels, replaced by boots and sneakers.

Rose decided to wear a dark blue leather jacket, with a black shirt inside, and a light blue skinny jeans, complete with black leather boots. Rose curled her hair, which hung past her shoulders like two curtains past her ears. Rose wanted to make her mother happy and decided to at least put on lip gloss.

The window facing the sun on her right was open, and Rose could see the clear skies and the sun hovering on the cloudless sky. The suns rays made the golden colour on Rose's once brown hair glow, it almost made it look natural. There was a mirror hanging on her door and Rose stepped in front of it to examine herself.

Turning thirteen didn't really change Rose, except the fact that she is now known as a teenager. Rose looked at herself. Nothing changed. Except that she had grown half an inch and is much taller than she used to be. Rose noticed that her eyes were shifting its colour. It could've been just her, but she was sure that it was turning into a golden colour.

There was a tapping on her window. Rose looked over to find her two best mates looking at her with raised eyebrows, and laughed at Rose. Rose had completely forgot that she had left her window curtain up and just a moment ago was checking herself out. She blushed, but her best mates only kept laughing.

Running out of her room, Rose turned left where the door of the flat was located and immediately opened it for her friend to get in. Hugging both Shireen and Sharon, Rose gestured for them to go inside her room. Both Shireen and Sharon did so.

Once inside, Shireen and Sharon laughed again.

"It's not funny!" Rose exclaimed trying to sound serious, but failed when she laughed with them.

The three Londoners were laughing their heart out, until Jackie came in and hugged the girls. Jackie told them that they would be leaving 30 minutes past four since it was a school day.

"Thirteen now. How does it feel?" Shireen asked, clearly interested in her answer. Rose shrugged.

"Honestly, I don't know what you two were going on about. Noting changed. You two were just exaggerating." Rose said with a smile.

"We were not!" Sharon exclaimed with a huff.

"What did your mum said when she greeted you happy birthday?" Sharon asked, while Shireen raised an eyebrow.

"She told me that I could use make up, go on dates, even go to parties." Rose told her mates with a sigh. Shireen and Sharon looked at Rose with a surprise expression.

"She gave you permission to go on dates and parties and you say that nothing changes?!" Shireen and Sharon exclaimed at the same time, while Rose flinched.

"Yeah, because I told her that I'm not going to do any of that till I'm in a proper college." Rose said with a shrugged while she smirked at the look her best friend's were giving her.

"You denied her offer to go on dates and parties?! You're mad!" Sharon all but yelled.

"Girls, keep it down. I'm trying to think of something to do today!" Jackie yelled at the other side of the door.

"Sorry Mrs. Tyler!" Shireen and Sharon both yelled back.

"Sorry Mum!" Rose yelled later on.

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