Chapter 5: Unified Intelligence Taskforce

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Outside the Mirror Room, Rose couldn't help but think about the people that died. True Doctor Francis had told her that it wasn't her fault, she even tried to save them. But at the back of her mind, tethered was that nagging feeling of utter hopelessness and guilt that she was responsible for their deaths.

Down the long corridor of doors, Rose could hear sirens but somehow she knew that it wasn't just the police out in the building.

"That's UNIT," Doctor Francis pointed out. Rose merely nodded. "We better go, they're going to ask us questions one way or another."

Doctor Francis and Rose walked along the long white tiled corridor, with different coloured doors that lead to different set of brilliance. But Rose didn't see the beauty of art right now, because she just saw tens and hundreds of people die; she's only thirteen.

Before she knew it, Rose and Doctor Francis were inside the room where everything started (after passing two to five pairs of bodies on the floor, Rose didn't know if she could take seeing what's inside the room).

There were people wearing uniforms and a cap that was swept to the side, they all carried enormous guns. Rose didn't flinch because of that, instead she closed her eyes at every single body she could find on the ground; not breathing.

"I'm guessing that they're UNIT?" Rose asked half heartedly.

"Yes, I think." Rose nodded and went towards one soldier as Doctor Francis went to another.

Rose approached the man in uniform. He was tall, had a body built for battle, his posture was tense, and he was inspecting the dead bodies-- his back on Rose.

"Excuse me sir--" Rose started, but was cut of by a long and enormous gun on her face.

"Johnson!" Rose heard a man's voice barked from behind.

Rose turned around to see a man with a furious glare towards the person that pointed a gun at her. From what Rose could gather, he seemed to be in charge for this particular part of their organization. He had sandy brown hair, blue orbs, and tall, lean, and tense posture.

"We do not point the ends of our weapon to an innocent civilian!" The man barked, and the man that pointed his weapon at Rose looked sheepish.

"Sorry Colonel, the girl surprised me." The man, Johnson, said still looking sheepish.

Rose looked at the Colonel, and he seemed to have relaxed slightly. Rose didn't know what to do with two soldiers, she had only planned on talking to one.

"Sir, there are Daleks in the Mirror Room, just down the corridor to your right. Three of them, actually." Rose added in a small voice.

The two soldiers looked at her with shocked expressions. It seemed that they weren't use to having a teenager know what was going on. Rose smirked slightly, but covered it up with a smile.

"Very well, Johnson go and send two thirds of our group to kill--" the Colonel started, but Doctor Francis cut him off having heard the conversation.

"Actually, the Daleks are dead." The two soldiers looked at the scientists as if he was mad.

"How--?" Johnson asked, but was cut off by Doctor Francis yet again.

"Rose." was his answer.

"And where is this Rose now?" The Colonel asked with a brow raised.

"The person whom your soldier almost killed." Doctor Francis said roughly. The Colonel was silent realizing who the scientists was talking about.

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