Chapter 6: (Interlude) Rose's 14th Birthday

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Rose turned fourteen on the 27th of April 2001, a Saturday. This year, Jackie decided to invite a number of people in the estate for Rose's birthday. Mickey wasn't sick this year and made it to the party.

Rose had asked her mother where she got the money to host a huge party. Apparently she got £1,000 (pounds) from a woman named Melody Pond, and Rose smiled at the familiar name taking note to thank River whenever she would meet her. Melody Pond, in her mother's story, was a woman who donate money to children who rarely held birthday parties. Rose didn't even ask how Melody knew that Rose's mother rarely held parties for her; she was sure that her future self told Melody.

Rose's birthday party consisted of a whole bunch of presents from the invited people, a whole selection of food to choose from, a bunch of people, and loud music. Hence, the reason why a bunch of the nearby people who weren't invited were now complaining.

Rose's best mates were in her room away from the people that her mother invited. Rose didn't blame them, Rose was just happy that her mother was happy.

Rose had gotten the book that River had told her she would get this year. Which was called what River had said it would be: Paradoxes and Black Holes. The book was exactly what Melody told her; circular paradoxes, paradoxes, black holes, rips in the fabric of reality, time and space being sucked in. It explained why it happens and that the Reapers would appear and what the Reapers were.

Rose found the Reapers quite disturbing. Reapers were beings linked to time itself. They searched for temporal paradoxes. If the balance of time was disrupted, they would be drawn out in force to remove the offending element. The Reapers were flying beings with sleek heads, four long hooked arms, mouths on their chests, tails that resembled a scythe and dark brown, scaly skin. They lived in the Time Vortex, as well as the Morass. But what Rose found most disturbing was the fact that there was nothing in the entire universe which could harm them. But to say the least, she was relieved to find that despite these powers, the Reapers were material creatures, at least in this world, and could be blocked.

"Rose, Shireen, there's something I haven't told both of you." Sharon's voice brought Rose's back to reality.

Sharon's voice was higher than it normally was, both Rose and Shireen knew that this was serious. Rose couldn't help but panic a little.

"Um... I don't know where to start." Sharon admitted.

"Go on, we won't judge you." Shireen encouraged.

"It's alright, go on." Rose added.

"My mum and dad... well, my dad. He, um, got a job as a executive director of this fancy building in Wales. My mum just passed her doctorate and is now looking for a job in central London." Sharon told her best friend's.

"That's great!" Rose and Shireen said honestly.

"I guess, but it also means that I won't be living in the estate anymore. My family will be moving to a house, a proper house. It was either that, or go to Wales with my dad. But I didn't want to stay to far from the estate so I'm going to stay with mum." Sharon explained, her green eyes were wide and close to tears.

"Hey, don't worry... it's going to be all right." Rose assured her friend.

"You'll be able to visit, won't you?" Shireen asked, brows furrowed. Sharon nodded vigorously, with a sad smiled. Rose and Shireen lost it, and hugged Sharon.

Rose would have expected for Sharon to cry the hardest, but instead Shireen was right out shaking with tears. Sharon had to stop midway crying to examine her friend.

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