Chapter 9: A Misunderstood and New Life

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  There was a hologram. It was of a woman wearing a gold and red robes. The robes had circles within circles and lines within the circles as designs and patterns.

  She looked at her, but she knew that the woman wasn't talking directly to her. "It wasn't a choice, they made her forget."

  Rose bolt up right. She shook the sleepiness out of her head. It was just a dream. She wasn't in danger. Rose looked around frantically and sighed.

  She was on her four poster Victorian style bed, with red and gold velvet curtains hanging onto the roof of it. Her bed still had its deep red and golden comforter.

  Rose stood up and walked across her Victorian style room, with a floor to ceiling window. She looked out of it and sighed. She was still in her terraced house in Eaton Square in Belgravia, London.

  It was just a dream. She saw people walking out and about, cars zooming past with visible petroleum out of the car's back. Rose looked up to see that the sky was clear. Not a single cloud was seen, only the blue sky. Rose couldn't see the sun, but the sky looked as if she was facing the sun. Bright and hot.

  She could feel the warmth outside as she pressed her hand on the glass. The caramel curtains were held up and Rose knew that her mother had came in to check up on her.

  Rose didn't know why. There was nothing wrong with her. But then again, she did dream about dimensionally transcendental time machines and life in outer space.

  Rose shook her head. It was probably because she read too much of River Song's books, which were tucked inside the bookshelf inside the crimson wall.

  Today was a Saturday. Which meant that Rose could do whatever she wants without having to worry about sixth form school. It was easy to forget about school if you dream about the unfathomable. The unthinkable and most likely unbelievable.

  It didn't took long for Rose to take a shower and dress in grey jeans, black and white stripped shirt, white trainers, and a grey cardigan.

Rose started for the doors in her suite. It was only two years ago that her mother had bought the house. Now that Rose thought about it, she never really remembered what happened before those two years. All she got were weird unrealistic and remarkable scenarios that she was sure happened but can't quite explain it.

  Even if it di happen, how was she going to tell her mother and Shireen about the whole... aliens and planets and things. Especially the dream in which she was an alien. Jackie would just look at Rose and tell her that it was all a dream, and nothing more.

  Rose was lost from her own thoughts that she didn't even realize that she was in the dinning room. Shireen was there, eating breakfast and silently reading a book.

  "Mornin'," Rose muttered under her breath. Shireen looked up and smiled at her. She was adopted by Rose's mother, Jackie. Shireen is also one of Rose's best mates, which was an advantage when they decided to make her an honourary Tyler.

  "I was wondering," Rose started and Shireen gave her a guarded look. "would you like to... I don't know, do something today?"

  Shireen relaxed visibly. Rose didn't know what was in her step sister's mind, but she didn't ask either. "We could go to the mall."

  "Or the park. How about the museum's in Belgravia?" Rose asked. She had enough cloths to last twelve years without using the same cloths each day.

  "No museum's. Let's just walk around the place, visit TomTom, Peggy Porschen in Ebury Street, or Waitrose in Halkin Street. Though, if you want, we could get out of Westminster all in all. Your choice." Shireen looked excited like she's been waiting for Rose to ask her to get out of the place.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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