Chapter 3: Star Gazing Near a River

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It was early May, and Rose Tyler was up in her room in the Tyler's flat reading 'Beauty within Nebulae, Supernovae, and Constellations' by her favourite mysterious author; River Song.

She was currently reading about the possibilities of a nebulae being make within every few light years away. It was Saturday, and she had finish her chores and was free for the rest of the day. Rose had even painted on the new canvas that she bought after using the canvas that her friend, Shireen, had given her as a birthday present.

On the once white canvas that Shireen gave her, was an oil painting of a golden wolf, next to it was a face of a girl but the golden light around her made it impossible to describe the girl as other than golden light. As a background, Rose had painted the vast universe with the precise nebulae that she had read in River's books and constellations that were found near that nebulae. Rose made sure that she got all the details right, including the stars that were planets.

It had taken a week for the paint to dry, and another week for the flat to return to its normal smell-- it had reek of oil. But Jackie didn't mind, she knew that her daughter love to draw and paint and so she least her. The people living near her flat didn't seem to mind, considering that their own problems were much worse than a flat smelling like oil.

Outside, it was raining- hard. Rose, normally, would go out for a walk and let herself embrace the water pouring down her because of the water cycle that took place before condensation turned into precipitation. Instead, Rose stayed inside her room and read the unfinished book written by River Song.

Rose had started reading when she finished her chores, which was half past ten. Now the clock just stroke twelve and Rose was still in page 457; half of the book. There was a total of 914 pages and she would still have to read it all over again to make her brain remember every single detail in the book. That's what she did with all the others, that's why it took so long for her to finish the book. She finished it, but she didn't finish understanding the words written on it.

Jackie had been kind enough to not disturb Rose when she was supposed to eat lunch, but once dinner was ready; Jackie had snapped at Rose to eat dinner. She even threatened to take all of Rose's books, which was enough to make her eat.

After dinner, Rose went back to her bed and continued reading. It wasn't until past ten did she finish the thick book. She found that she had understand all the theories and explanations inside the book, but she knew that she would have to re-read some of it to remember the longer explanations.

Rose rubbed her eyes. It was only ten, and it was Saturday night. Rose got up from her bed and went out of her room to drink water. Jackie was in the living room watching the telly, and Rose went to sit next to her.

After the first ten minutes of sitting still and watching adult romance with Jackie, Rose couldn't take it. She asked her mum if she could go up the roof of the building to go star gazing. Jackie had hesitated, but nodded.

Rose went to get her telescope inside her bedroom along with a blanket, her sketch book, and sketching materials. After packing, Rose went for the door and up the roof of the estate. The rain had stop sometime during mid day, and most of the cement were dry and safe for Rose to spread her blanket on.

Star gazing near the city wasn't much, but it was something. The lights in the city nearby blocked off the natural light the different stars gave off. But the city was far away enough for Rose to see a few constellations here and there, she was sure that the stars that around the constellations were the same planets in one of River's books that Rose had memorized.

Rose took out her sketch book and began to draw the London Eye that she could see from the estate building. She got bored and decided to add the whole city in, complete with every detail she could give it, even the stars above the never quite city.

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