Chapter 7: The Time Lady

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  It was June and Rose decided to go walking to nearby park by her estate. The skies were clear, not a single cloud hovering over the city. The sun was nowhere to be seen, but it was bright and warm. Rose found it peaceful.

  The park wasn't so full, but it wasn't empty. Families, couples, or even people like her (young and solo) were walking, skating, biking, or just having a picnic.

  The air was warm and breezy, the park smelled of rain (she didn't know why). Rose walked along the trail and just thought about these past few months. Shireen just became a Tyler, though she kept her last name as Grandeur-- Jackie and Rose respectively let her.

  The trail was long and seem to go on forever. After a minute of walking, Rose ended up with two roads diverging. It seemed that people were taking the right path the most, so Rose took the left. Into the woods, leading to the forest where the animals were. Rose took the road less travelled by.

  By the time she got to the edge, bushes, twigs, and trees blocked her path. Rose considered going back, but she was bored and wanted something to do. It wasn't like she was going to find any aliens behind the bushes and trees. Rose didn't know just what was wrong with that sentence.

  Leaving the trail, Rose stepped foot on the dry ground. The ground felt... high. Rose thought that it was ridiculous, especially since the ground was the exact same level as the cemented trail. But Rose couldn't shake the feeling that the ground she was on was higher than the rest, even if it looked like it wasn't.

  Deciding that she wanted to know more. Rose started for the bushes. As soon as she touched the leaves, everything in front of her started to blur. Rose found herself inside an unfamiliar place.

  It was huge. With dome ceiling that eliminated light from coming through. There was a matrix in the centre of the place. Wires were attached to it every which way. It gave of.a.low green and blue hue. It was taller than Rose, but she could see that the controls to the matrix were reachable.

  There wasn't any chairs around the circular matrix. Rose saw that across the room were two arch wall. It lead to some place else. Rose didn't know where to go or not. The platform she was on was hovering above what she thought were the engines. From her right, stairs led to the bottom.

  The walls were dark and flat, but it somehow gave of white light. The matrix in the middle of the room was curious. Rose decided that she wanted to know what it was.

  Around the matrix were circles inside circles with lines that connected most of them. Rose understood none of what it meant.

  Taking of her backpack, Rose took out her journal. River had given it to her on her fourteenth birthday. It was black with red rose buds on the left corner and fake thorns for a lock. It wasn't until Rose looked at her journal properly that she gasped.

  On the front and back cover of her journals were the same circles and lines as what was written on the matrix. Rose didn't know whether to feel relief or scared at the coincidence... or not.

  Rose had dismissed the circles and lines when she took it out of the package that River gave her. Upon seeing them on the matrix and her journal Rose knew that something about them clicked together, and not just because of the circles and lines.

  In the back of her mind, something was nagging her. Rose knew that she read about this in one of River's books. Then it clicked. Gallifreyan. Rose thought.

  "I am so stupid." Rose muttered under her breath. "This must be the Matrix of the Time Lords. What is it doing here?"

  Rose scratched the back of her head, as if it would help give her the answer to why.

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