Chapter 4: The Lost Daleks

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  Summer, for most, would say that it is their favourite time of the year. Rose Tyler did not think so. Summertime was long and boring, days upon days of a free schedule. Nothing to do. It was driving Rose mad.

  Of course, her mother was out with her mates. Rose didn't object, she even declined going with them. Even if she was bored, spending time with her mother's friend's was not her idea of fun.

  Instead, Rose decided to go to the Art Museum near the estate. You didn't even have to take the bus, it wasn't too far. Besides. Rose wanted to save her money-- she might get hungry.

  Jackie knew that her daughter was going to the Art Museum and specifically told Rose not to go anywhere else. Rose just nodded and went after changing to her regular clothing. Which consisted of a black jeans, black boots, light blue shirt, and a black leather jacket. Rose had decided to put her hair up in a pony tail above her head.

  Walking down the side walk, Rose noticed that it wasn't as hot as she thought it would be. It was just... right. But Rose couldn't shake the feeling that something was just wrong with the rightness of it all. Just like Melody told her, "Trust your instincts, that's what you always say or will always say."

  Rose smiled thinking about her mysterious woman friend (or at least she think is a friend). Melody Pond had been a great help in her past. She had learned all about the vast universe, it's beauty and horror. The things Rose knew, no one would be able to understand her.

  Rose even tried to explain to Shireen and Sharon once of an alien race callers the Cybermans. Rose remembered her brief explanation of who and what they were.

"The Cybermen were originally a race of humanoids originating on Earth's twin planet Mondas. As they implanted more and more artificial parts into their bodies, as a means of self-preservation, they became coldly logical and calculating, with emotion all but deleted from their minds. The Cybermen also have a rivalry with the Daleks." Rose had explained only to get odd looks from her two mates.

  But even if Shireen and Sharon thought that Rose was mad, they believed her. They didn't make fun of her, like all the others at school when she explains all about aliens. Rose even told them of her mysterious author, River Song, but Rose never told them that she was Melody Pond. She thought that it was only her who should know of the information.

  The Art Museum was large. Held together by thick white columns that seem to reach the sky, the was shaped like a gable made by marble. There were at least ten steps to take before Rose could reach the double glass doors; a guard was standing by the open doors. The floor just outside the building were a mixture of white and yellow, it looked like gold but it wasn't.

  "Young lady, where's your parents?" the guard asked suspiciously, in which Rose returned with a smile.

  "I'm thirteen! Oh, and my mum is out." Rose told the guard with a smile. The guard hesitated but let her in after a moment of thought.

  "Be careful alright? Don't get lost." The guard said behind her, which Rose ignored.

  The inside was spacious, it almost looked empty. Plastered on every single wall were different paintings from different artist. Abstract paintings were hung in a neat frame on the clear white marble walls. There were even displays of different sculptures on a stand that seemed to be connected to the white marble tile. There were different rooms that lead to different interest in art, but one particular room didn't make sense to Rose.

  One room, by the far end of the museum had a sign saying 'Mirror Room'. Curiosity overtook Rose, and she went inside. Whatever the sign said, it meant exactly what was written. The whole room, including the ceiling were made of mirrors. The walls, all four-- even the back of the door-- we're made of mirror.

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