Why Team Aqua is better [?] (side 2)

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(Image also from Zerochan; still not mine)

Main Points

- So Kyogre can call rain...But where in Arceus' name does it come from? This brings up the meme where takes water and puts it back into the ocean. Or does it create it? To make water, you need Helium and Oxygen. If you watch The Martian, (a movie when a dude gets left on Mars) he crates water from his education as a botanist [a person who studies/works with plants]. And doing so, he uses a lighter and some other stuff. Kyogre isn't a Fire type. Pokemon Logic.

- When you do flood the Earth, what would you do? Lemme just say, your sitting on a Kyogre or a ship/submarine with your highest comrades from the team that you created, its raining Purloins and Lillipups, and [eventually] the entire world is going to be an underwater attraction worthy enough for SeaWorld. All of the world materials are included in that. Food. Shelter. Everything. The rest of the world will drown and you caused it. Great idea.

- You'll have nowhere to live. Archie will have do a friggin deep-sea exploration to get materials with four people who probably don't know how to even build a raft, and your trying to re-create the Aether Paradise from soggy metal. Great idea.

 Misc. Points

- Archie's a real pirate. SAY TO MY FACE that is not bada--.



Shout-out again to my S&D8 teacher!

*Comment on who wins?...Or is the worst to have their plans succeed? Who has the best/worst argument?*

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