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*Don't skip this*

*Esp. if you're a FNAF fan*


"Oh hey Ian."

                    "What do you want, William."

"I was wondering... Your wife has a sister, right?"

                     "Yeh, why?"

"I think I saw her out the other day."

                      "How do even know what she looks like..?"

"That information isn't to be offered yet..."

                      "Scuse me..?"

"Nevermind. SO...Do you think your wife would care if I took her out one night..?"

                       "I dunno. She's not her business."


                         "I dunno. She probably wouldn't care. I'd hope you wouldn't try and kill her."


                          "Yeah. Don't."

"Why would I?"

                           "I dunno. I hope not. The lady has a stronger will than you, and an arm, too."

"SO, she's a feisty one, eh?"

                           "Shut up, Will. She's like a foot taller than you. I wouldn't try it."


                           "Just because she also has purple skin, doesn't mean you have to be with her. She might have someone else."

"Last time I heard she didn't have anyone."

                           "When did you hear that?"

"I...Uh...uhm....the lack of a ring on her finger..?"

                           "Nice try."

"Well it could be worth it."

                           "I'd like to see that happen."

*about an hour later, William returns and staggers in the door with two black eyes*

"Worth it..."

                            "Told you."


You skipped it, didn't you?

Don't worry. I had no f'n clue why i wrote that anyway.

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