Chapter 11.

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"So did anything that happened today change your mind about how I died or who did it?" Niall ask.

We were sitting on my bed just listening to music (his old favorite songs to be exact),and talking because my aunt was at his moms house. She invited me but I didnt' want to because I had to finish an essay a.k.a I wanted to stay here and talk to Niall. Plus they were making a poster or something for a friend and they were using glitter so no thank you. Me plus glitter equals no good if you were wondering.

"Kind of. Yeah, actually." I reply.

Niall moves closer to me. I'm sitting with my back against the backboard and Niall is now facing my left leg sitting criss cross applesauce. He grabs my hand and places it inside both of his. I can feel his eyes on me.

"How?" He ask another question.

My eyes meet his and I say, "I think it's a friend, one of the girls. I mean Abbi could have been jealous of you liking Bay and she tried getting you to stop but you didn't and then she got so mad she killed you? Abbi also felt your pressence so maybe she could feel it beacuae she did it? And today Sally was acting strange. She had a look that I've never seen on her before-"

"Guilt?" Niall interupts.

I think for a moment. "Ye-yes Niall I think it was guilt." A pause. When Niall doesn't say anything more, I continue, "And Baylynn is the only one acting normal so maybe it's her."

Niall just nods his head.

"I think I shoukd really start my essay now." I say after a long awkward silence. "Oh, uhm okay. I'll go." Niall says sadly.

Niall lets go of my hand and crawls around me. He gets off the bed and I say, "Forgetting something?" He walks over to me and leans down, kissing my nose. I scrunch my nose up in response and he chuckles before giving me a short kiss on the lips.

"I think you should help me with my essay." I say when Niall reaches my bedroom door. Niall rolls his eyes and walks back over to me as he sighs 'fineeee'.


Abbi and I walk in silence from second period to third period together. It's and awkward silence so I decide to start a conversation. The first thing that comes into mind to talk about is Niall.

"So, Niall liked Baylynn while Bay and Barker were together, right?" I ask.

"Yeah, but he never tried anything beacuse Barker was one of his best friends." She explains to me.

I don't know what else to say so I just say, "Well that's good." Abbi nods and sighs.

"What's wong?" I ask her.

Abbi shakes her head and mumbles, "Nothing... Well. Niall."

She doesn't say anything for a few moments so I ask, "What about him?"

We walk into our third period and barely anyone is in there.Abbi walks to the back of the classroom and I follow her. She sits down at a desk and points at one to the right of her, telling me to sit there. As soon as I sit down she says, "I really liked Niall, I'm not sure why I did but I did. It was stupid of him to like Bay because she had and has a boyfriend, she was way too pretty for him, and I was there. I mean I was literally always there. Our dads were best friends so we always hung out. He was always loud and I guess that's what I liked about him. After his dad died he started to like Bay a lot more and of course I got really jealous. Everyone says he killed himself because he missed his true best friend. I think that's some of it, i think the other part of it is he couldnt have Bay."

The bell rings right as Abbi finishes. The teacher starts talking and I whisper, "Do you really beileve he killed himdelf?" Abbi looks at the teacher for a few moments before saying, "No."

I pretend to look at the open textbook infront of me and ask, "Then who do you think did it?" I look up at Abbi who closes her eyes as she bites her bottom lip and shrugs ' I don't know'


"Niall!" I yell when I get home from school.

"Up here!" He yells back from my room.

I start running upstairs. I run into him as he comes running down the stairs.

"Hey." Niall says as catches me before I can fall.

I can barely get the word "hi" out between my laughs.

"Learn anything today?" Niall ask as we walk back to my room.

"It depends. It was for my education, no. If it was about you, yes."

"Whatcha learn about me?"

I sit on my bed and Niall does the same. "Well you really liked Baylynn and after your father died you liked her even more."

Niall nods. "I read the files today." He tells me.

"And?" I ask.

"I think I know who killed me."

A/N: Sorry this was so short! You got an extra chapter this week so yeah!

I might publish my Calum story sooner than I thought! Only 5 more chapters!

You guys should go tell your friends to read this.

Vote, comment, and read on.


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