Chapter 13.

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"James?" Maura ask her son.

"Hi mum." He smiles.

"Wh- what are you doing here?" She stutters.

"I'm a doctor at the local hospital. Can I tell you something?" James ask his mum.

Maura only nods. "I remember the day when Niall died. The car.. It belongs to Sally."

Maura grabs Jmaes wrist and pulls him to the car. I shut the door and follow them. I get into the back seat. The car is quiet except for our deep breaths.

To Sally: Hey do you want to come over tomorrow?

Right as we pull up to a parking space my phone viberates in my lap.

From Sally: Sure! :) tomorrow at one

We walk into the police station and Maura ask for the sherriff and detective. A few minutes later all three of us were sitting in a small room waiting for the other two people to join us. Finally two people walked in. An old man white gray hair and a middle aged women with red hair.

"How may we help you?" The sherriff ask.

"We're here about the Niall Horan case." Maura says.

"I'm sorry but that has been closed for almost a year." The lady said.

"Yes, but we know who did it and we have evidence. Hear us out please?" I ask.

The man and the women look at each other. "Okay." The women nods.

Maura and James tell the story about Niall life and show him pictures from the photo albums. Then It's my turn.

"Okay, I moved in with my aunt after trying to kill myself. Maura is my aunts best friend. I somehow became friends with  Niall's friends. All his friends said he was all depressed so I asked my aunt and Maura about it. Maura gave me the files and photos. If Niall did cut and lost so much blood, the cuts wouldn't be as deep, nor as wide." I show them a picture of a file.

"How do you know that?" The sherriff ask. I show him both my wrist and he nods.

"And what does he have to do with this?" The detective ask, pointing towrds Jmaes.

"I'm Niall's brother. I wasn't home when he was killed, but I saw a car leve as soon as I got home it belonged to Sally Rosshold." James said.

Oh, so that's Sally's last name...

"And?" The detective rudely ask.

I get out my phone and play the video of Sally and Abbi. Right aas the video stops playing I say, "She'd coming over tomorrow at one."

"Okay so this girl needs to be arrested but we can't arrest her unless she did something and we get a call for help." The sherriff says.

I smile at him. "I have an idea."

Everyone turns and looks at me. "A few police should be at my house around 12:30. I'll text her saying let herself in I'm in my room. I'll act dead. She'll run out of my house screaming and she'll be the only suspect." I say.

"But how would we explain how your alive?" The detective ask me.

"Easy." I shrug. "I got to the hosptial in time and I got lucky."

"How would we get  doctor in on this?" The sherriff ask this time.

"I'm a doctor!" James says loud and proud.

"Wait, Maura. Can my aunt go to your house around noon?" I ask.

"Yes darling!" She replies.

We leave the station without any of them knowing my real plan.


I get home and tell my aunt about Maura wanting her to come over tomorrow at noon. When I get up to my room I see a note.

Kenz, Sorry I didn't go to the police station. Meet me at the hideout at 6:45. - N

It's 6:20 now.

To Sally: Hey let yourself in tomorrow, i'll be upstaiars.

I get off my bed and walk downstairs and make my way towards the hideout.

Out of the many times I have walked out to the hideout, I have never noticed how green the cut grass was from the back door to where the forest started. The grass looked freshly cut. Barely any blue was visable in th e sky because they sky was mostly covered in dark gray clouds.

The forest floor was covered in dirt and old dead leaves that havw fallen off the trees. The tree trunks were thin but stong and tall. Through the light fog and trees I see a person sitting on the boulders. Months ago this was someone I had no idea existed.

"Hey." He said without turning around.

"Hi." I replied.

"So is what you said at my moms house true?" Niall ask and I nood my head in response.

"What's going to happen then?" Niall turns and looks at me.

I tell him as I stare into his eyes. They've never looked so blue. I haven't noticed the way he acts when someone talks to him. Or how his eyebrows furrow, he shuts his eyes when he doesn't approve of something, and  bites his bottom lip to keep himself from interupting. And I now  know one thing  that I didn't know before.

"Okay. Just promise me you'll be safe tomorrow." Niall says. I nod to let him know I agree with his promise.

"Ni-Niall?" I choke out.


"I- I love y-you." I say breaking our eye contact.

Nialls smiles. "I love you too Kenz."

A/N: Sorry this sucked and it was short! It was a filler. Next chapter will be longer and better.  


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