04. charientism

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charientism - an artfully veiled insult 

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Zander threw the files onto his desk. Loosening his tie, he slumped down into the chair. He tugged on his red tie before running a hand through his hair, frustrated.

The meeting couldn't have been worse. His day couldn't have been any worse.

First Misha ruined his notes, the notes he'd spent most of last night working on. And now, now Natalie.

Fucking Natalie. He didn't hate the woman as much as he did right now. Two steps, she seemed two steps ahead of him.

She seemed nothing like the shy and timid intern he'd first met a few months ago. Since she'd been hired at the law firm to now, her first major case alongside him, she seemed much more confident, more poised.

Just to his luck, he looked up as she knocked, slowly entering his office.

"Need something?" He drawled, carelessly as he leaned back against the chair. He didn't bother hiding his irritation with her. 

Clearly, since he'd quickly walked out of the meeting, ignoring the small talk she tried to make. 

Of course, she'd dominated the meeting, leaving him scrambling to think of questions, struggling to understand each testimony.

It seemed instead as if she was the one with years of experience and he was the newly graduated lawyer dealing with his first case.

"I just wanted to compare notes and make sure I didn't miss anything." Tugging on her skirt, Natalie sat down across from him.

A part of her had been hoping even for a small compliment. Maybe he liked her notes. Or maybe he appreciated the facts that she asked all the right questions.

But of course, the smallest bit of praise was too much to ask for. Especially from Zander Melton.

There was no point in trying to impress him. Especially with the ring on his finger. Yet still, he had good connections.

And if he became a partner, he could help her advance her own career.

That's why the fraud case, her first major case, was so important. 

It could definer her entire career. 

"Do you think we'll get a settlement?" Nervously, she bit her lower lip.

He still intimidated her a little.

"Why wouldn't we?" Giving her a lopsided smirk, he stood up, grabbing her notes from her. "Not so confident anymore, are we?"

Quickly, he glanced through the stack of papers. The margins filled with different colored pen notes. A few words highlighted here and there.

"Not bad." He gave her a slight nod before handing the file back to her.

It was impressive, quiet impressive. But he wouldn't admit it. At least, not to her.

"High praise coming from you." She flashed him a coy smile as he sat back down, his sharp eyes focused on her, assessing her every move.

"What do you really want Natalie?" Zander paused, waiting for her to say something. His gaze, calculating and cunning. "What did you come here for? My notes or my approval?"

"Why would I want notes with coffee stains?" She retorted back, raising an eyebrow.

His smirk faltered. Despite his efforts to hide his messy papers, she'd noticed. Of course, she'd picked up on the smallest things. He should've known.

"And why would you want my approval?" Just as quickly, he had her cornered where he wanted her, with just a few words.

It was the one thing that made him as successful as he was. He knew how to ask the right questions. And he knew how to get the answers he wanted.

Zander knew she was desperate for some kind of approval from him. And he wouldn't give it to her. Not when she could easily snatch and take away the position he wanted, the partnership he deserved.

"I never said I did." She was quick to answer. But her confidence, it was shaken.

He could easily tell.

"You don't have to. It's obvious." Zander looked down as his phone pinged. Just another notification, just another work email.

It wasn't the notification he was waiting for. The one notification he'd been waiting for since early morning.

Misha hadn't texted him back. More than likely, she was probably still angry with him.

"I'm leaving now." He started gathering his papers, muttering to himself. He didn't give Natalie another glance as he shoved his papers, all messy and stained, into the folder. He grabbed the folder and glanced down at his phone again. "Fuck, I told her I'd be home by five."

"It's seven." Zander paused, shaking his head, annoyed as Natalie laughed.

"I know how to tell time." He looked around his office, making sure he had everything. He  mumbled again, trying to figure out how mad Misha would be since they had fought that morning and now he was late. "I still need to buy her flowers." 

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May 18, 2018 10:50 PM

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