Chapter 3: Aroma

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Jisoo's POV

I was flabbergasted by the view in front of me. It was a coffee shop which blinks manage. It had a minimalist design.

We went inside and the first thing I saw was a wax figure of us. I was amazed by it and asked Lisa to take a picture of me with it.

I checked the photo and uploaded it on Ch+. I also took pictures of my surroundings. It was stunning.

Me and Rosé ordered while Jennie and Lisa were busy entertaining blinks who wants to take a picture with them.

"One caramel macchiato, Two Cappucinos, and One espresso. Please"
Rosé said to the girl in the counter.

"Coming up, maam." The girl said and looked at us, after that she went wide-eyed.


We shook hands with her and she almost fainted but luckily a guy behind her caught her body. They both looked at each other and blushed. Me and Rosé looked at each other while smirking.

"Hello! I'm Cha Eunwoo, her co-manager. Welcome to BP Coffee House!" Eunwoo said and shook hands with us.

Jen and Lisa came to us smiling. They met Eunwoo and Sejeong. Eunwoo asked for our autographs while Sejeong asked for a picture.

The coffee house had gold bars with our names carved on it. They told us that they bought these gold bars so that if one day we will come here, our signatures will forever remain there. I was amazed by them. They could've spent their money on themselves but instead they spent it for us.

Rosé teared up a bit and joke it out that her eyes were only sweating. We did a group hug. After that we wrote our signatures on the gold bars then took a photo with it.

We sat on the VIP Area since they said that they made it for us if one day we will come here, and we did.

The room was parted into two colors, black and pink. It had neon lights. The black side had pink tables while the pink side had black tables. The chairs were high and wooden.

The 3 of them were taking pictures while Eunwoo and Sejeong ran back to the counter to make our coffee. While I just observed the room.

The 3 of them sat down with me and did a V-live. We were talking to blinks and promoted the coffee house.

Later on, Sejeong and Eunwoo came back with our coffees. We asked them to join us but they insisted.

We ended the V-live and chit-chatted for a while. We bid our goodbyes to Sejeong, Eunwoo, and the co-workers.

I went inside the car and plugged in my earphones and slept immediately.

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