Chapter 32// Chat

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Nick - Thera

Hey T, how you
doing? 😊

Hey Nick! 🤗
Been a long time,
good good, hbu?

I'm good, still
working, as always 🙄

I'm so sorry we
couldn't take you with
us on tour😣

Don't worry, I'll
come next time!
I'm just joking
when I comment
on your posts you
know that, right? 😂

I know but still aha

Where are you
guys right now?

Driving to NYC 😊

Ooooh that's so
cool, I guess there's
gonna be a Harrington
reunion? 😉

You bet your ass
there will be 😎

No but really how
are you doing?

With the article and

It's nothing, I'm fine

T, you can tell me

No, I'm happy
performing, seeing fans

You know I don't
believe you right?

Fine, I'm not that great

It just sucks you know?
First an article talking
about me and Tom and
then one about my past
digging into stuff I don't
want to think about

And they don't even
talk about our music!
They really just want to
stir up drama and I
hate it!

They're tabloids,
that's their job...
As fucked up as that is

I just don't want it to
interfere with the band
and our music

It won't, the fans won't
care, they love you and
continue to, no matter
what happened

Thanks Nick


I know this sounds
crazy but now that
the thing is basically
out, wouldn't you want
to tell it to your fans
before they learn it
from another magazine?

It's your call but it might
be for the best you know?
For you and them

You know I don't want
to talk about it let alone
for everybody to know
what I did.

I'm just so scared it's
gonna fuck it all up or
that Elena talks and
nobody's gonna take
my side of the story

As hard as it's to tell
you that and I don't
want to preoccupy
you with you being
on tour and all but
that's the thing,
what if Elena says
something before
you do?

And you know that
the squad has your back,
plus Tom and Harrison
that'll also be there for you

I just... It hurts you
know and I don't
want to talk about it,
that's it.

But Thera...

No Nick, I'm not talking
about it, it's my personal
life, they don't need
to know. Plus, I can't
think about all of this
while I'm on tour

Just think about it ok?
You know I just want
what's best for you

Well you're just
fucking with my
thoughts and mood rn

Gotta go

Talk to you soon T ❤


A/N :

Sorry for the late update, as I said, studying...
3 things:
1. I Wanted to show you guys Nick and Thera's friendship :) and some of his personality

2. No, Thera's not bipolar, she's just upset with the article, the whole Elena situation and as you could've guessed it, she's pretty affected from what happened so it's a pretty legit reaction (in my perspective)

3. I'm sorry but my updates are definitely not be as frequent/regular or maybe I won't have the time to update :// but I'll be back June 21st!!!

Wish me luck for my exams lol

Charlotte xx

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