~ last week~ he is my bad boy!?

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(Y/n) I woke up by my friend calling me?" Hello" " hey y/n did you think goku is good or bad?" " why do you asked at" " I saw goku and chi chi making out and am not kidding" " I asked him at" and hung up and I went downstairs and I see Goku in "cool" post

And said " hey babe" and I just got my pancakes and left and he went in my room first and said " can I be your bad boy babe?" And I just say without hearing " yea sure" and he got my rival and killed her and I woke up again and Goku was there smiling and I said " goku did you make out with chi chi? " and he said " sigh yes i did " and I just got up and I went to get breakfast and he went after me and I got there

And just went with pancakes and he went to my table and said this " y/n can I be your bad boy?" And I said " maybe goku but not now " and we stop at last stop and goku ask to fight somewhere and I went with him and we fought ( sunset) and we were tired and we watch the sunset and he was super Sayian and I was to and and I kiss him and he kissed back

And I just went to my room and I was happy and I went to sleep.(goku) yes! Am her bad boy am her bad boy and I went to sleep and I woke up and I went to y/n room and I went to her room and I got on the bed and felt like am heating up and here was burn and she is protected from me and (next day) I woke up and I saw her gone..

(Y/n) I woke up and  I just saw land I it was home yes! And I fly there and I ran home and I went to my computer can I just left happy and I saw goku in super Sayian blue and I just got up and I....( well it almost the end of the and I just want to say at the is not sad but happy and I want to say peace people and good bye people and c/n get down!!) (cat name -c/n)

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