50 - insecurities

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You have insecurities and he wants to help you. I'm sorry if any of these don't apply to you. Also remember you all are beautiful, don't beat yourself up about the little things.

+your body
+no matter what your body looks like, you don't feel pretty or feel like you deserve Wyatt
+he finds out because you refuse to sit on his lap, refuse to let him pick you up, and basically refuse to let him touch you or see you when you're not fully covered. He noticed something is up.
+he is hurt when you tell him because he thinks you are so undeniably gorgeous. He doesn't understand how you don't see in yourself what he sees in you. He gives you so many tight hugs, and explains to you that to him you are perfect and how much he loves you. Even if you don't look like the photoshopped twigs in the media, he thinks you are beautiful.

+your shyness
+since he is so outgoing and you are such an opposite, you feel like a drag whenever you're not up to something he wants to do.
+he notices you forcing to do stuff that makes you obviously uncomfortable, and he catches you deep in thought. He asks you what's wrong.
+he is sad that you're not accepting the fact that you are shy. Because it's something that makes you you, and he loves everything about you. Shyness included. He tells you all this while hugging you, and that you don't have to force yourself to do anything that you aren't comfortable with. Even it's for him.

+your personality
+with his bubbly personality, you feel like a downer. That it's annoying, and that he doesn't get to do what makes him happy because he has to deal with you.
+he noticed you acting with a fake personality. One that's completely opposite to the one he knows.
+he comforts you. Telling you that he fell in love with your personality first. Then everything else about you he fell in love with. He thinks your personality is fantastic.

+your smile/laugh
+you think your laugh is loud and annoying, and your smile is ugly
+he notices you laughing less, and covering your mouth if you smile. When he gets you to laugh, but your laugh sounds forcibly different, he knows somethings up
+he hugs you, and tells you he loves your smile and your laugh fills his heart with joy. You almost cry as he tells you he loves you, and you don't need to hide anything.

+your huge love for things
+you feel obsessive. Over her, over tv shows, ect. You feel annoying.
+she finds out when she notices you stop giving pretty frequent, sweet texts. You usually give them every few hours.
+she almost cries and hugs you. She lets you know that this isn't something to be self conscious about. She loves to feel loved and she loves how you let her know that. That's how you do it, and she doesn't want it any other way.

+your skin
+you have constant break outs and it makes you feel disgusting.
+he notices you crying more constantly, and doing skin care things (cleansers, masks, emergency blemish relief, moisturizers, ect) and he knows it's not good for you
+you cuddle and watch your favorite movies. He tells you you are perfect just the way you are. Your acne makes you unique, and that's one of the many reasons he loves you.

+your intrests
+you feel like an outsider. You feel different because you don't like what everyone else likes. So you begin to pretend.
+he realizes when you call him to help paint your room. He walks in and sees you with a paint color (a color that's "in") that he knows you like less than the color your walls are already. He sees your band posters in the trash, and there's stuff in your room that's the opposite of your style.
+he gives you kisses all over, letting you know that he knows this isn't you. That you don't have to change for anybody, which causes you to cry. He walks you back to the store where you got the paint, and uses his charm to get a refund because PAINT IS EXPENSIVE!

+your skills
+you realize that you don't know basic skills (like cooking or sewing, ect) because you notice your friends can do all of this stuff and you can. You begin to panic.
+he comes over and seeing you in your room, visibly panicking and filled with frustration. Your surrounded by how-to manuals.
+he comforts you. He lets you realize that you are still young, and that this doesn't mean your failing as a person. He gives you kisses and tells you that you don't have to be perfect to be perfect to him.

+your social status
+your upset because you feel like a nobody, and you don't deserve bill. You're not famous, don't feel talented or anything. You just feel shitty.
+he walks in on you crying over the tweets that brought this issue to your mind. It's pretty obvious what the issue is.
+he gets mad that you could think that. "You may not be famous," he tells you, "but that doesn't make you less worthy of being my girlfriend. I'd love you either way."

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