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sighing, louis pours his cold tea into the sink. last night, he didn't get any sleep because he usually doesn't and he was thinking about the pretty man he saw in the alley. he was awake all night, thoughts of the kindness the man showed flowing through his head. louis decided to not go to work, considering he needed to be gone in 5 minutes and he has just waken up. it was 5:30 a.m. and louis was thinking of taking a walk. the sun hasn't come up yet and he always loves to watch it. nodding decidedly to himself, he walks upstairs and freshens up, grabs his shoes and walks out the door.

"is it really raining?" louis mumbles under his breath while pulling up his hood. he isn't going to go home though, he wants to be out here. louis was busy with his hood and didn't see the man in front of him, resulting in the two bumping into each other. louis squeaks as he falls to the ground and the older man curses quietly.

"i'm sorry, sir. i wasn't paying attention. i really am-" louis' rambling is cut off by a deep chuckle and he looks up, seeing the man from last night smiling down at him.

"oh. h-hello again." louis whispers, blushing a scarlet red. harry nods and puts his hand out to help the clumsy boy from the ground and louis takes it gratefully.

"hello, louis. why are you out in the rain?" harry questions, still smiling. louis looks down at his vans, the same ones from last night, and whispers an answer but harry didn't quite catch it.

"what was that, love? speak up," harry demands gently.

"i like watching the sunrise," louis utters, smiling around his words. harry hums and lets go of louis' hand. louis frowns at that but doesn't take it to heart.

"well then, no time to waste," harry says.

"you're right. i'll see you later?" louis says, "hopefully."

harry laughs lightly and nods, silently agreeing with him. louis smiles and continues his walk towards his favourite place. he looks back but doesn't see harry anywhere in sight.

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