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louis was waiting on his couch for harry. he was dressed up in a brown jumper and light wash jeans. harry had said he would be here at 6:00 p.m. but it's 9:00 p.m. and louis is feeling dejected: harry stood him up. louis sighs sadly to himself and stands up, heading to his room to change into sleep wear and wallow in pity. he decides to shower and sheds his clothing, turning the handle to the hottest temperature. he steps in and winces when the hot water cascades down his curvy body. he lathers soap all over him and his hair and scrubs furiously, he didn't want to be reminded of the feelings he's feeling. as he is washing himself, he thinks. he thinks about harry and how he isn't good enough. if he was good enough, wouldn't harry have called and said he cant make it?
louis has troubles with being abandoned. first his dad, then mom, then sisters, then friends, and now harry. harry, who he thought was the most beautiful person he's ever seen. harry, who he thought was genuinely kind. he turns off the water and steps out and he's met with chilly air from an open window.

"i thought i closed that..." louis mumbles to himself, walking over and shutting the window. he shrugs, grabs his fluffy towel and wraps it around his wet body. he walks to his room and he gasps loudly when he's met with harry.

"shit, harry!" he moves his hand up to his chest and takes a breath. harry smirks and looks louis up and down causing the latter to blush.

"hi, louis. you look nice and all but i think you'll be cold." harry says simply and louis pulls a face and frowns.

"what are you talking about? why are you even here? you stood me up!" louis exclaims, finally grasping the situation. harry frowns and stands from the bed, walking toward louis. he slowly wraps his arms around the smaller boy and louis stiffens, not used to the feeling that surges through him. harry hums and lowers his head to the crook of louis' neck and inhales.

"i'm sorry, angel. something came up but i'm here now and i plan on making it up to you," harry claims and louis can't breathe because harry's hands are traveling over his body and he's still in a towel. louis nods cluelessly and backs away, not noticing the frown that graces harry's structured face.

"okay, harry. just... let me get dressed? can i get dressed please?" louis asks him, looking down at his feet, shivering slightly. harry nods curtly and vanishes, making louis look up and he's confused when he doesn't see harry. shrugging it off, he dresses quickly and restyles his hair. he's staring at himself in the mirror when harry appears behind him, smiling softly.

"you're beautiful," he states, fondness clouding his eyes. louis blushes and looks down, playing with his fingers and muttering a small thanks.

"ready to go?" harry questions, pressing his chest against louis' back. louis nods and walks out of the bathroom, harry following. they stand in the lounge and louis waits for harry to say something. harry notices and stays silent, watching louis squirm.

"harry," louis states, still looking down.

"louis," harry smirks, still looking at the boy in front of him. louis pouts and looks up, just now noticing the fedora on harry's head. he cracks a smile at that and harry grins when he sees the boy's teeth. finally, harry backs up and walks out the door, gesturing louis to follow-which he does. outside of the apartment is a car. a really nice one. and louis recognises it as his favourite car. louis looks at harry excitedly.

"is it yours!?" he all but shouts and harry grins so wide. he nods and louis jumps.

"this is my favourite car! i can't believe it. this is so sick, are we gonna take it? are you gonna drive it? god, i've always wanted one," and harry cuts off louis' rambling with a push of a button. the car beeps and louis squeaks and rushes over to it, admiring the exterior and harry just watches him.

"i really can't believe this. a 2008 dodge challenger srt8 in front of my apartment!" louis whispers, tracing the handle to the driver's seat. he looks up at harry and blushes when he notices the intense stare he's getting and he immediately stops everything he's doing. harry picks that up and a shadow of a frown ghosts his features.

"would you like to drive it?" harry asks, wanting louis to continue his admiring and squealing. louis' eyes widen and his mouth opens and says yes, he does want to drive it before his mind can even comprehend what is happening. harry grins and walks up to him, grabbing his hand in his and carefully putting the keys in his palm. louis' smile is so big and harry just stares at him and louis stares back.

"thank you, 'arry," louis exclaims, his eyes almost closed and his teeth on full display. harry shakes his head in a fond manner and nods, walking to the passenger seat. louis enters the driver seat and puts the keys in the ignition and gasps when the car starts. he pushes the gas pedal after he changes gears and he drives down the road, loving every second of it.

the night ends when louis is too tired to drive back so harry does instead. louis is almost asleep in the passenger seat when he looks at harry. harry with the curly brown hair. harry with the emeralds as eyes. harry with the soft plushy lips. harry with the attractive hands. harry with the nice car. harry with the perfect personality. harry with louis' hands on his cheeks. and harry with louis' lips on his.

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