10 (epilogue)

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"harry, babe. where are youuu?" louis sings throughout their new flat. he hears a yelp from their bedroom before pounding footsteps come rushing down the stairs. louis laughs but stops abruptly when he's tackled to the floor.

"baby, hi. i missed you so much," harry mutters, pressing kisses all over his lover's face. louis grins and gently shoves harry off of him, leaning up to kiss his lips when they're both settled.

"hey," louis whispers with his chin resting on harry's chest. harry looks at him fondly while wrapping his arms around his waist and whispering the same back. harry is broken out of his gaze when he hears a small bark coming from a box on the floor. he instantly pushes louis behind him and bares his teeth, growling lowly at the box. louis giggles and carefully walks out of harry's hold, heading towards the box causing harry to snarl and reach toward the smaller boy. louis shakes his head and grabs the thing in the box and pushes it against his chest while clicking his tongue slightly.

"what the fuck is that, lou?! put it down!" harry yells, attempting to grab the thing.

"harry! stop! he's just a puppy!" louis whines, pushing his nose in the puppy's neck. harry falters when he sees the hopeful look in the former's eyes.

"louis..." harry trails off, sighing while watching louis interact with the puppy.

"wanna hold him?" louis questions, holding the dog out and tilting his head. harry just smiles and cautiously takes him.

"what's he called?" harry asks, slowly bringing him to his chest. louis coos and snaps a picture quickly before walking over to them.

"i don't know yet." louis sighs before continuing, "i think we should call him damon, what do you think?"

"okay, baby. whatever you want," harry says, scrunching his nose when damon licks his face. louis hums and rests his head on harry's shoulder and gently ushers them in the living room.

"so we're keeping him?" louis asks, a small smile quickly appearing when harry shrugs.

"we are gonna be the best dog parents!" louis squeals while the demon laughs.

"of course we are," harry agrees, letting the dog on the floor and pulling louis in his lap.

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