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the day after their date, louis doesn't hear from harry for awhile and he just accepts it because it has happened once already. he's lying in his bed when the analog clock across the room beeps, causing him to sigh. it's 3 a.m. and louis still can't fall asleep.

"fuck this," he mumbles as he crawls out of the bed and dresses himself in a hoodie and skinny jeans. louis opens his door and walks downstairs to put his vans on when he's met with chilly air. looking around, he notices all of his windows are open and he's left confused. he slowly approaches the lounge room window and closes it, upon seeing nothing unusual he quickly closes the rest of them and finally heads out the door, making sure to lock up.

"jesus, it's freezing! i must be mad," he speaks to himself, chuckling slightly. louis is rounding the corner of his building when he hears the footsteps. he's filled with fear, hoping that it wouldn't be a repetition of the first time. he quickens his pace and subtly looks behind him but frowns when he sees nothing but a street light. he ignores it all together and continues walking to the bridge by his home, not being bothered the whole way there. as he's sitting alone on the concrete, he hears footsteps again but they're cautious so he looks up and he's met with harry. he grins and waves shyly when harry is close enough.

"hello, harry. what are you doing out here?" he questions, smiling when harry sits next to him. harry looks over at him and returns a gentle smile.

"i was just heading home when i saw you out here," he claimed, leaning against the railing in front of them. louis just nods, not giving a worded answer.

"what about you, louis? why are you out here?" harry asks, furrowing his eyebrows while looking down at the water beneath them.

"can't sleep," louis states simply, watching harry with careful eyes. harry looks up and louis grins when they catch eyes.

"it's quite dangerous out here, especially at night and especially when you're alone," harry says, leaning back on his hands and crossing his legs in front of him. louis just nods and inhales while harry watches him. it's quiet until louis asks harry where he's been and that makes harry look away. there's tension now.

"something came up," harry replies, nodding his head decidedly as if he's convincing himself of something. louis scoffs and turns to face the former.

"that's what you said after you stood me up! that's bullshit and i don't like how you can easily disappear for days at a time!" louis exclaims, moving his hands around which is a tell for how angry he is. harry frowns, not liking louis' tone but lets him continue.

"you leave me waiting for hours and then you leave after i kiss you and i think i've done something wrong and i don't know, harry. it just hurts. did it bother you: the kiss?" louis rambles, growing shy toward the end. harry chuckles which makes louis snap his head up, ready for another outburst but there's no need because harry is lighting louis on fire. their lips are touching and moving against each other's passionately and it makes harry grunt and adjust himself so he's resting on his knees over louis, who is still sitting. harry pulls away and they're both breathing heavily, forehead against forehead and hands against cheeks.

"did that bother you?" harry asks cheekily.

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