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three days, it's been three days since louis last encountered harry. louis misses his face, if he's honest. louis grumbles to himself as he shifts in the chair he's in, continuing the assignment he's doing. he was about to finish his essay when the doorbell rang and he hums, grateful for the break. he gets up and opens the door and he sees harry, the man that has occupied his mind for the last couple of days. louis smiles nonetheless and harry smiles back.

"hello, harry," he says, though it was more of a question.

"hi, louis. how are you?" harry nods, smirking. louis pulls a face and gestures for him to enter the apartment.

"i'm good, how are you? it's been awhile." louis states as he watches harry come in and look at the photos on the wall.

"you're right. i was out of town and didn't have a way to reach you," harry claims, looking at louis suggestively. louis nods quickly and retrieves his phone, handing it to harry.

"thank you, louis." harry says, typing his number in as louis nods.

"hey, how did you know where i live?" louis questions and harry chuckles.

"i saw you walk in the other day," he reveals, smiling. louis nods and hums. and it's silent for a couple seconds until harry asks louis a question.

"will you go on a date with me?"

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