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Mika's POV:

"We heard that you got home safely" Ferid said.

"Yeah-yeah, I know I'm safe.... with your ex husband, Crowely" I said as Crowely was budding in to look at Ferid through out FaceTime.

"HIIIII FERID!" Crowely waved at him.

Krul death stared him as she hissed at Ferid.

"Jeez.... Have any news on Yuu?" I asked them.

"Well, I heard from Shinoa that he could be with Shinya" Krul said as she pushed away Ferid.

"Thanks, for the information" I said.

"Bai ! " Crowely said as I was being hugged by him.

Bye!" Krul said as Ferid didn't get to say good-bye.

I looked at Crowely as he smiled at me.

"Soooo, your Ferid's son?" He said as he pinned me against the wall.

"Yeah, but I'm adopted!" I said as I pulled away.

I was trying not to be spoiled by him. He treated me as his son for the weeks we searched for Yuu.

"Hey, Crowely can we pass by the anime store...." I said why whining.

"Sure! I'll even buy you whatever you want!" He said as he pulled me into the store.

"Thanks!" I said as I saw plushies.

"So, what's your favorite anime or manga?" He asked me.

"SERAPH OF THE END!" I said as I ran towards the action figures.

"Wow kid, you really like anime" He said as he rubbed my head.

"Can-n you-u buy-y this-s for-r me-e" I said as I grabbed the volumes and movies along with the plushies.

"Sure, anything for you" He said as he walked towards the cashier.

When we left the store we walked towards the car and stuffed it with the things Crowely bought me.

"Hey, kid I have a surprise for you" He said as we drove away.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We are going to go watch a movie!"He said as we drove to a theater. 

I smiled, " T-thank you, sir' "

When we where heading to get popcorn I saw a guy with white hair and blue eyes death stare at me.

"What's his problem" I thought in my head as Crowely handed me popcorn.

"Hey, mister which number do we head to?" I asked him as he munched on popcorn.

"Come on, I'll take you" He said when he finished his popcorn.

We sat next to the guy that death stared me along with what we thought was his daughter. She had beautiful long black hair with green eyes. I felt uncomfortable as he death stared me during the movie. I finally got tired of him.

"Dude, what's your deal? You have been giving me a horrible look since we came her" I said as he simply ignored me.

"Mika, calm down" Crowely said as he gave me soda.

"Okay-okay" I said as I drank my anger down with the soda.

I got up and walked to the restroom as the girl followed me. She seemed to wobble back and forth. 

"Hey, miss are you okay?" I asked her as she was clinging on the walls.

"Oh dear, are you in heat?" I asked as I carried her in my arms.

I took her into the single room restroom. I looked for her pills as she looked at me with a smile.

"Come here" She said as her arms were reaching out for me.

"I can't...." I said as I tried controlling my own body.

She crawled towards me as looked at me.

"Mika~" She said.

"How do you known my name?" I asked as she got on my lap.

"It doesn't matter" She unzipped my pants as I couldn't control myself anymore.

I got up and pinned her against the wall as I kissed her. I felt something hard poke me, as we departed kisses. I ignored it as I started kissing her on the neck that lead to her chest. She was flat chested but, I didn't care as much.

"Please, just put it in already" She pleaded.

I pulled down her skirt as I found out it was a he. I pulled down my boxers as I was becoming harder. I lifted him up as I put it inside of him as he simply moaned. I started to thrust inside of him as I felt the empty hole in my chest that was created by Yuu become filled again by this guy. When I was going to cum inside of this guy I choice to make him mine.

"I let someone go away but, not you" I said as I came inside of him.

He gripped onto the wall as someone knocked on the door.

"Is someone in here?" I could remember his voice.

"Crowely...." I said softly as I covered the guy's mouth.

"Yeah, it's just me! Mika" I said as I let go of the boy's mouth.

I cleaned him up as he fell asleep. I took off his wig as I saw that it was my love of my life, Yuichiro. I smiled as I dressed him back up as I carried him out of the restroom. 

"MIKA I KNOW THE GUY WAS BEING AN ASSHOLE BUT I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WOULD DO THAT TO HIS DAUGHTER!!!?!" Crowely yelled at me as I was still carrying him.

"Almost 5 months without finding you" I told myself.

Yuu was slowly waking up from his short nap as he panicked to see me carrying him.

"Calm down, my love" I said with a smile on my face.

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