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Mika's POV:

I rushed to the hospital as he was dying in my arms. Blood was dripping as I started crying.

"Don't leave me!" I yelled as I got into the emergency room. 

I laid him on the floor and gripped onto his hand.

"Please, don't go" I cried out.

I didn't noticed I also, had blood coming out of me. I stared at my chest as my white shirt was soaked in my blood. I saw people run towards us.


That was the last thing I heard as, everything in the background went blurry.

"I'm going to die" I told myself as the voices around me echoed.

I fell backwards as I was still holding onto his hand.

"Yuu...." Was the last thing I said.

Everything went out.

At least I knew I died because of the accident... but now I left our son with no parents, I left him alone in this world. Who will protect him, and I didn't get to tell him how much we love him. And what about Yuu?



please live...

because I'm done....


Yuu's POV:

He fainted first. 

"You son of a bitch" I said as I poked him.

I coughed up blood.

"Your suppose to wait for me" I said crying.

I crawled closer to him and hugged him as tight as I could.

I kissed his cheek and said, "We are going to get threw this!"

The background started to slowly disappear into another background. Everything was seemed to an old background in a battle field.

"Huh?" I said as I saw a sword in-front of me.

I looked around as I saw huge monsters around me.

"WHAT THE HELL?!!!?" I yelled as I looked around.

"Hey, idiot focus! Are you trying to get killed" Guren yelled as he pushed me away from the monster.

"Sorry!" I said as I dodged the hit from one of the arms of the monsters.

Shinoa and Mistuba seemed to be taking care off the monsters easier than me.

My heart was racing as I looked around me.

"What is happening?" I told myself as I felt someone grab my shoulder.

"Let me drink some of your blood" I saw a guy with red eyes say as I saw his purple hair.

I slapped him, "Like the hell, I will! I donate my blood for good not for ugly people like you!" I told him off.

"Shut up, life stock" He said as he grabbed me closer towards him.

I suddenly felt someone else touch my shoulder.

"He isn't yours!" I heard the person behind me say.

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