Part 3: Can we be friend?

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"Mina!" Jaebum run towards Mina who is about to get in the practice room in JYP building.
"Hi oppa". Mina waving her hand and smile brightly.
"Manager Teuk tell you anything?" Jaebum ask.
"About you follow us to Jeju island tomorrow?" Mina ask back.
"Yes.."Jaebum nodding his head.
"Ya..He told me this morning. So we see each other tomorrow morning?"
"Mina ya?" Suddenly they hear Jihyo voice from the practice room.
"Okay unnie. I'm coming. I go in first oppa. They are waiting for me inside. See you" Mina ask permission.
"okay. See you." Jaebum see Mina enter the room. He feel excited. Tomorrow he can go together with Mina to Jeju island for filming new episode of Idol Lover show. He really thankful with the show because since they joining the show, now he have excuses to talk and be friend with his crush. He like Mina since Mina was a trainee.


Seulgi is on the way to Jeju island for filming Idol Lover.
She closing her eyes, trying to rest her tired eyes. Being one of the famous idol group is tiring with so many schedule have to attend.
"Seulgi..."The manager, Wonho,who is driving suddenly called her name.
"ermm...?" Seulgi answered while her eyes still closing.
"I met PD Junho yesterday." He refer to the PD for the Idol Lover
"He said viewer really like your chemistry with Jimin."
"well, I have good chemistry with everyone?"
"Do you like him?" Wonho manager ask.
"Who? Jimin?" Seulgi open her eyes. Wonho manager nod his head.
"Like I said, I have good chemistry with evey man. So it's not my fault if they see me and Jimin have good chemistry. He is totally not my type." Seulgi said firmly.
"But don't you think your chemistry will help the show get a high rating. After Junho PD told me yesterday, I checked what people comment about the show. Most of people comment about you and Jimin. They wish you and him become couple."
"yes..Actually Junho manager purposed me something yesterday. He want to create love line between you and Jimin. Well, for me, it's not a bad idea. A lot of love line in variety show bringing success for the show. The person who are involved in the love line also become more popular and get more offer from outside."
Seulgi hear with interest. What her manager told her was true. Many people want to watch when love line involved.
"So, do you really think it's a good idea". Seulgi ask.
"Yes. Why not?"
"hmmm...will think about it."


"yo J to the B." Jimin called Jaebum when he sees him at the jetty.
Jaebum waving his hand to Jimin. "We just about to go. Hope in now."
"Alright. Hyung i'm going now." Jimin waving to his manager before he hope in the boat.

Jimin heart beating a bit fast the moment his leg step into the boat. His eyes meeting the girl eyes who is sitting inside the boat.


Jimin P.O.V:

"How are you subaenim?" The girl infront of me smiling and bowing to me.
"Oh....Mina si. I'm fine". And that all. That all I can answer her. I don't know why on that moment my head was blank and my lips freeze. Did I really that shock?

"We came together just now. Want to decrease the company budget." Suddenly Jaebum who also there talking. Thank God. Luckily, Jaebum come for the rescue.

I'm talking with Jaebum along the 30 minutes journey to the island. Mina sitting not far away from us putting on her headphone. Sometime I secretly glancing at her. As usual I just can't take my eyes from her. That moment, she really look pretty. With her pure look and the wind moving her free hair really make her look like she is coming out from anime. Honestly, she become more and more pretty everytime I meet her.


Mina P.O.V:

Jimin subaenim a bit cold today. He just talking to me once. He just talking to Jaebum oppa the whole time in the boat. He don't even bother to ask me back. Can't he ask how I am at least? He make the environment seem awkward. Luckily, Jaebum oppa come for the rescue. I'm sure he also feel awkward seeing the situation. So, I will just sitting here, putting on my headphone and hear some music until we arrive at the island.
Hmmmm...I thought after we talked more than hour the other day we can be a friend. I'm not expect us to be a good friend or very friendly but at least we're not still this awkward. Well, I think today is the most awkward.


I think I better sometime write my story using P.O.V style of writing from now on. This style I think easier😬
Anyway, I hope you guys love my writting. 😁

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