Part 6: It's hurt

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Seulgi P.O.V:

After watch the latest episode of Idol Lover I open my laptop and try to search people comment about the episode.

-Awww..I know Jimin have crush on   Mina. The way he look at Mina during the Asian Artis Award in 2016, you can see he adore her so much.

-Can't wait next episode. Want to hear Mina
start call Jimin "oppa." 😚😚

-They really look good together

-My Jimina ship is sailing TT

-I prefer Jimin with Mina than Seulgi.

-Before I like Seulmin but after watch few episode I think chimchim likes Mina. Then this episode make me want to ship Jimina.

I close my laptop. There is a lot comment about Jimin and Mina. It's not like before where knet more focus on me and Jimin.

Hmmm....They told me to do the love line. They shouldn't air that moment. And Jimin also. Didn't we both agreed do the love line. Why he have to that with other girl? He shouldn't show any interest with other female too.

Or are the production team actually want to create love triangle for the show now?

I throw my body on the bed. My heart feel hurt. It shouldn't be like this. I should'nt feel so broken heart like this. I just agree to do the love line. Why I feel so broken heart when it seem I lost the love line to other. It's just love line for TV show for Christ sake, Seulgi.

Okay...just be honest with yourself Seulgi. You cannot lie to your own heart anymore.


Yes I like Jimin.
Yes, when I agreed to do the love line, I don't  have feeling toward him. Not even a slight feeling. He totally not my style. Not my ideal man
.....but that was BEFORE
...NOW, honestly, he is my ideal man

How he treat me when we were team. How he taking care of me. How he become very gentlemen sometime. How he can be cute and at the same time can be manly. How he melting my heart with his smile.

I like everything about him. I even like him more when I watch or read about him online. He so attractive, he is perfect.

So it's hurt me watching him with Mina.

I saw it, when they spend time by the seashore after the filming.
I saw it when Jimin waited and gave Mina hot packs.
I saw it when they having breakfast together.


I don't think I will just let this go. I am better than her. I know i'm prettier than her. I will make sure people focus on me and Jimin again. I will not let Jimin fall in love with her. I know Jimin just being nice to her.


Filming for Idol Lover new episode:

Seulgi is on the way to go to new venue for filming Idol Lover. In the middle of journey her manager stop the car by a petrol station.

Seulgi just wait in the car while her manager go out to top up petrol for the car. Then she see 1 car arrive not far away from them. She look at the car. She have feeling that the person inside is a celebrity. She knows how is celebrity car's is. Like hers also.

Seulgi heart stop for a while when she see the guy out from the car.  She quickly open her window.

"Oppa." she call her manager.
"Yes?" Her manager who is still in the middle top up the petrol answered her.
"Is that Jimin?" she pointed at the guy who is walking towards the petrol station shop.

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