Part16: BUSTED!

951 46 1

04th December 2018, 1800hrs

TWICE success sneak into BTS apartment without being notice.

Eventhough they can use practicing for the MAMA special stage as an excuses but it's better if nobody see them entering the apartment. Other wise many rumors will come out and the keyboard warriors will start to attack them with nonsense theories and words. Idol world become very cruel. It's hard for them to be friend and having fun with opposite gender idol even if they always want to. Some fans just so ignorance and selfish acting as if idols don't have any feeling to want to be friend or to fall in love with person they like. Which is make some idol stress out and pretending they don't know each other when they meet in public.

"Ahh...It's fun to sneak into like this. Feel like we has secret mission." Sana open her mask and pull down her hoodie once they inside the house.

"Give me your jacket." Taehyung collect one by one TWICE jacket to hang it on the rack.
"Wah! Your house so big!" Dahyun said. This is the first time they come to BTS apartment.

"Welcome guys! Please make yourself comfortable." JHope welcome them with warm smile.

TWICE members put the foods they bring to the kitchen. BTS member still busy preparing their cooking.

Mina walk to the balcony when she see Jimin doing the BBQ with Jungkook and Namjoon.

"Kook.. You wash the veggie." Namjoon give comand to the maknae.

"Okay hyung." Jungkook said.

"Tyuzu! Do you mind helping Jungkook wash the veggie?" Namjoon then said to Tyuzu who is in the kitchen watching Jin cooking.

"Okay, sure, no problem."Tyuzu answers.

Jungkook turn around and look at Namjoon. Namjoon give him a sneaky smile. Jungkook smile shyly and walk into the kitchen .

"I go in first. Use the time wisely." Namjoon whispering to Jimin and Mina.

"Thank you hyung." Jimin smile.

Namjoon sure the best leader ever exist. He knows all his member feeling. He purposely ask Jungkook to wash the veggie so Mina and Jimin can have time alone. He purposely ask Tyuzu to help Jungkook because he knows Jungkook will be happy to be near Tyuzu.

All eyes to the entrance when they heard the door open. It's BTS manager. Both of his hand holding black beg plastic. Suga run toward him to give a hand.

"Thank you hyung!" Suga said happily when he see soju and beer in the plastic.

"Just don't get drunk too much. And take a good care of your hoobae." BTS manager order.

"Arasso. No worries hyung." Suga said confidently.

"Okay then. We will go out grab some drinks at some bar and leave you all here." BTS manager add.

"Kids. I will pick you up at 12 later." TWICE manager said before they go out.

"Okay oppa. Don't drink too much. Remember you have to drive us home later." Jihyo said.

"Okay. You guys too. Take care, okay."



Having a good laugh, sharing interesting stories and having a fun game makes both idols forget their managers order. They become louder and drunk because they consume quite a lot of soju and beer.


Jimin POV:

I still in a good state as I have high tolerance with alcohol. I look around and some of them already get drunk.

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