Entry 57

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Is it weird that I still don't know what day it is? Oh well. I've been going out a lot more, it helps I guess, making a weekly trip, but I'm still upset. I miss the band.


"Calum! Let's go to lunch!" My mum cheers happily and I groan.

"I've already been out this week." I whine and she rolls her eyes.

"You need to get out more than once a week dear." she says a little sarcastically. "Please, please, please, please, ple-"

"Okay!" I shout defeatedly, "okay." I repeat.

"Yay!" she squeals and I look at her weirdly. What the fuck? Why is she acting like this? Whatever, she's such a child sometimes. I get up and change out of my batman pajama bottoms and wear some jeans. I go downstairs and sit in the passengers seat of the car, waiting for my mother to start driving away. I stay quiet.

"Aren't you excited?" she asked and I shrug as we pull in the parking lot.

"I don't really want to go ou-"

"Surprise!" someone shouts making me almost piss myself- I mean what? No I didn't.. almost...just... I look up and my heart nearly stops as a shit eating grin comes across my face.

I run up to him and wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as I almost cry.

"I miss you so much" I whisper, my voice cracking as I speak.

"I miss you too, Cal." he says, his arms wrapped securely around me. I never want to let go. I missed his smell, his warmth, his everything and now it's back, temporarily. "I think you have to let go now." he chuckles and I shake my head. "Don't wanna." I mumble and he stays quiet for a few more minutes before having to literally pull me off of him.

"Lets go eat." he says and I nod, he wraps his arm around my waist, hooking his finger in my belt loop as we walk into the café.

"Your mum set this up, so it's just us." he says and I smile.

"Great." We sit in a small booth in the corner. The waitor comes and takes our drink order and leaves again.

"How's the band doing without me?" I ask and he shrugs.

"It sucks. He can't sing, play an instrument, he's not funny, is a total stick in the mud, and he's not you." he whispers the last part causing me to blush.

"Aw." I mutter.

"So what about you? How've you been?" he asks as the waitor sets down our drinks.

"I dunno. Not bad." I shrug. "Life's pretty boring without you, Mikey." I tell him. He chuckles a little but then goes serious.

"Calum. Your mum's told me how miserable you've been acting. She said you barely leave your room, I can see how your health has dramatically decreased. You're really skinny, Cal." he says causing me to lower my gaze.

"It's hard though. It's hard moving on and not seeing you every day like I'm used to. You don't understand, Mike." I say and he sighs.

"I didn't come here to be a debby downer, so let's talk about something more exciting." he says and I straighten up a little to hear what he has to say. "So you know how you've gained tons of followers on twitter recently and-"

"I have? Oh my gosh that's crazy. I didn't know that!" I say and he smiles nodding.

"You have, and there are tons of youtube videos and instagram pictures and twitter trends and-"

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