Entry 59

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Sometimes i wish michael would come to his fucking senses.

"Party!" someone shouts and I hear a wolf whistle from where I'm at on the couch.

"Oh fuck no." I say to Ashton, who's having a little dance party of his own by the driver.

"Calum!!" he whines. "Pleaseeee everyone else is going!" he say and I look around at the others, most of them nodding, others having head phones in so they were unable to hear. Those 'others' being Ryan. "Even Ryan is." he says lowly. I stay silent, pondering my decisions, I mean I really dont want to go.

"I dunno..." I say trailing off. Ashton begins pulling on my sleeve like a child and giving me the pouty face.

"Please, Calum! It's almost my birthday! Please!" I groan in realization and he fist pumps. "Yay! Party!" he runs off some place and I roll my eyes, such a child.

I walk in the bathroom to see if I look like shit, and decide I don't look as shitty as I could and shrug it off. Who was I trying to impress?

Don't answer that. (know it all *cough*).

Eventually we pull up, our driver saying he'll be parked around the block if we need anything, and we all get out. That would be me, Ashton, Luke, Michael, Ryan, and Maya. Yeah, she came back I guess, oh well.

We walk into the club and I can feel the music pounding throughout my body and am already beginning to feel sick. It feels like it's shaking me up as a kid would to a soda pop just to see me explode from my top. The heat and the stuffyness feeling doesn't help much as I watch people grind and practically have sex on the dancefloor. Many couples were making out, which for some reason made herpes come to mind. I mean, what if they made out with a random person and were too drunk to notice it? You never know, man.

Suddenly getting the feel of claustrophobia,  I squeeze through people to get a seat at the bar next to Michael and Luke. There's many rounds of shot glasses on the table and I can see that Michael is already pretty drunk so I think, what the hell? What's the worst that could happen?

It's not even two hours later and I'm beyond as drunk as Michael was at the bar. I'm on the dancefloor, some guy twirling me around as we dance and I laugh loudly, finally feeling pure joy in my insides.

I laugh as he twirls me again, me stumbling around mindlessly as he pulls me back to his chest.  Oh my god why don't I do this more often?

I wonder why it took me so long to realize my fondness of dancing, but fuck I need to do it more often.

Its a few hours later I think and I leave with Michael's arm around my shoulders to keep me from topling over. It's obvious he had sobered up during the night because he looked more alert and was walking oretty steadily.

He pulled me up the steps of the bus, me giggling slightly, but I soon stopped.

"Mikey," I whisper, only now realizing that our bodies are pressed together and my one hand on his chest, looking as if I was about to push him away, but to hell I wasn't. His eyes bore down on me, his beautiful, bright green eyes were so captivating that I had to get a closer look.

I was leaning closer, and he wasn't moving away. He didn't even flinch when our lips brushed, so I froze and he took that advantage and fully connected our lips.

I was in pure bliss, even if his lips did taste of alcohol and mint, and wait- cigarettes?! Since when did he smoke? Fuck, right now I don't care, it's hot. My hand was at the back of his head, gripping the small hairs that grew there as the kiss became more heated. His fingers dug into my hips and we moved back until I fell backwards onto the couch, Michael fallingnsoftly on top of me as he began grinding our crouches together. I moan, feeling the soft gust of air on my lips as I do. "Ugh, Mikey," I moan softly and that's when a feminine gasp is heard and we both look over to see Maya standing there with tears in her eyes and her finger tips at her trembling lips.

"How could you?" she barely whispers, and I'm not sure if she's speaking to me or Michael as the decending sounds of the pads of her feet are heard on the carpet. Michael is after her in an instant and I start running too, making a b-line to the toilet as I hurl my guts out, again.

The next morning I wake in my own bus, my head is pounding like a caveman banging on the insides of my skull.

"Shit." I curse, grasping the part of my head where the pounding hurt the most. I roll over and into the wall and squeeze my eyes closed, suddenly remembering why I don't drink that much any more.

Everything from last night was a blur, nothing coming up as a complete memory from last night. I stand and realize how fucking cold it is in here. Who likes it this cold anyway? Oh yeah, Michael only likes to cuddle when it's really cold 'cause he hates getting sweaty. I shiver and pull on a random hoodie and go into my make shift kitchen for pain killers and water with a side of coffee. Actually, switch that.

I sit at a table, staring into the depths of the black liquid, searching for answers in the white mug. It's funny how the colors contrast so much. The black coffee, I think, is me. So ugly and dull and only a few people like it this way, and the white is Michael. Michael is what's keeping me from spilling all over the cream table and old lady flower print chairs. Keeping me from leaving an ugly stain on your favorite shirt or jeans. But the thing is that on the top, there's an opening. The opening where someone can drink me away, but not just anyone, I know who's drinking me away. My demons. Little by little, day by day, they're sipping at the hot mug and the longer it takes for them to drink me away, the colder I get, the more disgusting I taste. I can only hope that one day Michael will just close the fucking top and keep me safe in his arms.

The contrast being that Michael is day, and I am night. Everyone loves the light of day, that way they can go out and perhaps find love and get married during the day. Night is feared. Night is when the Devil comes out to play and sucks away teenagers that have no more coffee in their white mug. I can only wonder how much is left in mine.

My head jerks up when my door swings open and Maya is walking towards me. I smile at her until I realize that she's pissed, no beyond pissed. She's a red dragon with black smoke coming from her nose.

"Stay away from him." she growls at me and I stand up, a little confused.

"What are you talking ab-"

"Don't play dumb with me, Hood!" she shouts causing me to jump back. When I don't answer she decides to continue."You kissed him! You kissed Michael!" she shouts and my head is spinning with thoughts and memories come crashing back.

Holy shit, I did.

Haha! Score one for Calum.
a/n: sup my porkchops is it weird that Im eating dinner at 930? im having porkchops btw ha

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