The Beginning

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A/N: hi guys this is my first story and I'm kind of new to all this so please give it a chance and don't critisice thanks let's get on with the story.

It was the end of the school day and me and friends were walking home together. It was late afternoon and we were goofing around I laughed at all of them as I saw Calum shove Mia's head into a bush and Sophie put a whole bunch of leaves in his mouth.

My bestest friend ever, Sarah was walking next to me just talking about the dramas of her day when my phone ring tone started going off,"seriously, that's your ring tone still" she frowned "I told you to change it, like a year ago, but noooo of course you don't listen to me as usual" she continued to rant "look can you just shut up for like a quarter of a second, please, Jesus man" I barked back at her. "Gee fine" she scoffed "no need to get your panties in a twist " she mumbled.

I looked up at her annoyed "I'm sorry, what was that?" I called after her, she looked back and shrugged as if to say that she had no idea what I was talking about,"yeah just what I thought " I murmured. As I pulled my phone out of my bag and  looked at the screen  I frowned "that's weird" I sighed shoving my phone back into my bag.

As a muscular arm wrapped around my waist I squealed "hey get the hell off of me or I swear down I'll -"

"Hey whoa whoa, calm down babe, seriously" he cried as he held the area of his face where I had just scratched." You really need to calm down" he sighed.

"What!?" I screeched "who do you think you are constantly telling me that I need to calm down or chill out?"
His brow thoroughed in thought, I could tell he was trying to think of a good enough comeback "uhhh ...your boyfriend" he finally said. I just stared at him with a blank, unreadable expression.

I pretended to cough. Through the 'cough' I gasped " I hate you"
He looked at me, utterly offended "how dare you" he sighed. I laughed at him and he squealed like a girl "you need to say sorry to me" I laughed again "never".

Suddenly all we heard was all of my friends laughing. We turned our heads in sync both mortified that our friends were listening to our whole conversation, and videoed it.
Max had joined them now also.

"Man your faces though, ha ha, priceless- just priceless" Max finally piped up. He was the worst of all the jerks like the biggest of them all. He casually strolled over to us and leaned into me he slowly asked me "is it true, that once you got kidnapped Jess" he brushed his lips against my jaw.

I reared back and screeched "I don't see how this is any of your business and FYI  you don't get to call me Jess, Maximus Knight. So just BACK OFF! " I yelled a little more dramatically than I intended.
"Why, what do you have to hide Je -"he was cut off abruptly by Jason.

"Look, dude, just cause your a jock doesn't mean you can hit on MY girl, so back the hell off!" Jason practically screamed in Max's face. This was the angriest I'd seen Jason in months and to be honest it kinda scared me and I felt bad for Max. But he deserved it.

I knew that when Jason fully lost his temper things got really really messy. So I had to get him away from Max as soon as I could.
I walked over to Jason and threaded my arm through his I tugged him alone gently and said to Max "listen, mate, you better back off or else." I turned back and flipped my hair ensuring that it would hit Max in the face.

As Jason and I walked I rested my head on his shoulder and apologized about what I said before he immediately accepted and apologized back and I accepted. As we walked my phone started to ring again. It was the same number.

I decided to answer it and as soon as I did I regretted it. The people at the other end of the line chanted "Jessie Jessie, what's the matter Jessie, don't you want to play... Jessie Jessie" they hissed down the phone.

"W-who is this?" I stammered not really wanting to know " do you know my name?"

They hissed down the phone "we are your worst nightmare ,Jessie Parker, and we know everything about you!" A wicked laugh came from down the phone, that's all I remember and then all went black.

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