meeting forgotten faces

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Roxie had just phoned me, she was going home to get a shower, get changed and rest.
It had been 2 days since the "car accident." I was getting changed into some comfy jeans and and a vest top, as I was putting on my leather jacket, my phone began to buzz in the pocket.

"Hello?" I stated, I sounded happier than I was. Jason had left to get changed and look after his little sisters, Molly and Katelyne. I was kind of happy because my parents were awake and they were talking.

The person at the end of the phone line replied "well your happy to say that we're coming for you and your parents almost died." The way he said that made it sound like he was trying to sound threatening.

I laughed at his pathetic attempt of a threatening tone. I heard a questioning grunt as the realization what I just did set in on the guy.
Before he could respond I shot at him.

"Look, dude, I don't know who you are, what you want or how you got my number. But what I do know is that if you ever try to do that to my parents or any one close to me ever again, I will personally hunt you down and end you! Do you understand me?" As I shouted that down the phone I made sure to sound extremely threatening.

There was a long pause, until he finally piped up " So is Jessie finally fighting back?" He coughed down the phone. Seconds later he added " you know Jess, you can't stop us. No one can, we are unstoppable. If you even tell anyone about us we will crush them and you. If I were you, I'd come willingly."

In return I sarcastically replied "Oh wow, I'm so scared I'm shaking in my boots." Before adding with sass "the only way I want be able to stop you, is if I don't even try. And I'm not you so I won't go willingly, and don't you forget that because if you do forget that and you come for me, I WILL end you!"

Before he had the chance to reply I hung up the phone and walked over to my mirror, feeling rather proud of myself might I add.

Looking at my reflection I decided that having my hair up with the outfit I was wearing didn't really match. As I took my hair down, I watched the red and brown locks of hair fall from a tight high pony tail to flowing waves of hair. The reason my hair is the colour it is, is because after I got back from being kidnapped, I felt like I needed a reminder of what I went through, a reminder that I was a survivor.

A not so permanent reminder, like the scars I have, but still there.
I turned on my heel and headed for the door. I stopped in the doorway before going back into my room and grabbing my phone, blocking and deleting the number that keeps calling me, and grabbing a pocket knife, just in case. I quickly put the phone and pocket knife in my leather jacket pocket.

As I reach my Porsche, I jump in and speed out of the garages, not even bothering to put my seatbelt on until I had sped out of the neighbourhood and was about ten minutes away from the hospital.

When I got to the hospital I ran through the doors and as I was running to the front desk I could feel my heart shaped locket hitting off the bottom of my throat, it was in perfect sync with the beating rhythm of my heart. In fact it was like a second heart to me.

As soon as I reached the front desk I was panting, but I still managed to get my words through my breathlessness. I managed to say "Mr... Mrs...Parker" Her reply was to give me a raised eyebrow and say to me, " I'm sorry... Miss, but only family and the police are allowed to visit, I'm sure you can... uhh... see them when they're discharged."

I scowled at her, obviously she didn't know who she was talking to. I stated to her "Excuse me, but I'll have you know that I am family."
In return to this her brow furrowed.
"I'm their daughter!" I yelled frustration burning in my voice.

She simply glances up at me and states, "Look kid, I don't know who you think you are, pretending to be their daughter when she clearly left over an hour ago, but I think you should leave."

Resentment burned in my soul and it took all my energy and will not to dive over the desk and strangle her.
I yelled at her, anger, impatience and annoyance laced my voice, "Look, whoever you are, I am Mr and Mrs Parkers daughter, because they have two daughters, Roxie Parker and ME, Jessie Parker!"

I was getting mad, like really really mad.
All of as sudden I heard a familiar voice behind me. I spun on my heel to see the familiar people looming behind me, Officers Beck and McDermott stud behind me.

They looked at me as if waiting for a reply. "What?" I asked, curious. They both shared a look and officer McDermott continued, "what seems to be the problem Jessie? We could here you from down the hall." She said with a raised eyebrow.
I stood looking perplexed. " Uhhh..." was all I managed to stammer.

Officer Beck turned to the nurse at the desk, "she's coming with us, she deserves to see her parents, not be denied and accused of lying." He stated. They started to walk down the hall, gesturing for me to follow. As I trudged behind them I took a last look at the "nurse" at the desk, she did the same only, she was giving me a death stare.

As she turned to talk to someone I managed to see what she had on the computer screen; knives, hunting knives, daggers and pocket knives. I saw what she had on the next two tabs as she showed a middle aged man the tabs, 'how to hunt and kill someone without being caught' and a picture of me, and some other teenagers that had been kidnapped.

I caught a look at a rather large and precise scare on her neck, I immediately recognised her from the gang that kidnapped me.

Before we reached my parents hospital room, the two officers that took me to my parents hospital room stopped me before I could go in and officer Beck cleared his throat before asking me "Was that you that we saw speeding into the parking lot?" He asked a serious face hardening a once soft expression.

I gulped. "Wha-what do you mean?" I laughed nervously.

Officer McDermott then spoke " Were you the one who was driving the Porsche we saw speeding into the car park?" She too had a serious expression but it was also a softer one.
In response I smiled innocently at them.

"Look you know that your not supposed to speed, it's not just because it's against the law, it's because you could get seriously hurt." Officer Beck said with a raised eyebrow, he then added, "Why were you speeding?" An accusing look crossing his face.

"Well... You see..." I began but trailed off lamely. I started again, trying not to trail off, " uhh... umm... Well I uhhh. I was mad?" I answered making it sound more like a question.

"Why we're you 'mad'?" He said, putting emphasis on the word mad.
"I- uhh got called stupid, mean, short tempered and fake. And I really wanted to see my parents." I lied.

Officer McDermott showed a concerned look and asked, "are you sure that's all, you seem a little... Agitated." She sighed before contributing, "If there's anything bothering you, anything at all, you can tell us. You know that, right?"
I looked at the ground and remembered what the person on the phone said.

I lifted my head and nodded, before saying that everything was okay.
As I was about to walk into my parents hospital room, officer Beck added, "oh and don't let us catch you speeding I'll have no choice but to give you a speeding ticket."

I laughed and stated, "Don't worry, it won't happen again." I felt the need to tell them that I was telling the truth, so I added "I Promise." 

After that I walked into the hospital room and sat in the visitors chair, hugging my parents before I did, and having some conversations with them. I was ecstatic that they were okay.

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