journey to the party

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I was sat on my bed, listening to my friends arguing over what colour lip stick or lip gloss I should wear. Yeah, I know, petty, right?

"NO! I've told you like a thousand times before, and this is the last time I'm gonna say it... Red. Does. NOT. Suit. Her. So. Shut. Up." That was Amy going all bossy boots on Sarah.

"Red totally suits her! She is NOT wearing pink!" Sarah tried to defend herself.

"No." Amy insists.

"Yes." Sarah argues.


"How do you think she got Jason?" Sarah smirks.

At that, both mine and Amy's jaws drop.

Oh. My. God. She did not just say that. That's it! I'm gonna kill her!

The room is so silent and tense, you could probably here a pin drop on the other side of the door. I can feel all of my friend staring at me.

"God, this is... Awkward, to say the least."

I totally did not just say that out loud, did I?

Please say no, please say no, please say-

"You don't say." Sophie's sarcastic voice rings in the tense atmosphere.

Oh no.

Help me, it's like the walls are caving in, sometimes I feel like giving up-

Yeah, no. I'm kidding.

I look down at my feet, not wanting to look at any of them. Yup, I'm that awkward. Literally.

"Lil' 'Cous? Yo, you in there?" Amy asks, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Yeah." I reply, still not looking up, short but simple. Honestly, who contradicts themselves that way?

Not me, that's for sure. I'm not that type of person.

Most times, anyway.

"Okay, guys. Can you just like, stop talking 'bout my love life?" I finally speak up.

They both raise an eyebrow at me while the rest of my 'friends' become quiet and stop snickering. Bitches.

"Uhh... how about...n-"

"Yes!" Amy yells and cuts Sarah off. Ha. Ha. Good.

Sarah frowns, but she shuts up. Thank the Lord!


We ended up just settling for me putting on nude lipstick and Amy managed to get me to agree to letting her do smoky eye with my eyeshadow. I know for a fact that she used dark colours. I'm gonna look like a raccoon!

When we step outside, the cold air attacks my skin, instantly cooling me down.

When I look around, I see that our 'ride' is a limo... discreet much? NOT.

I hate making a scene.

"Anyways, after you my dear cousin." Amy said in a posh accent.

"Why thank you kindly." I laugh.

"C'mon. The party awaits us." Mia states and we get in.

Once we're all buckled up and comfy, Amy decides to talk to me rather than listening to the other three gossiping about how all the cute guys will be there.

"Soooo, how are Luke and Taylor?" Amy asks.

Yeah I guess I kinda forgot to mention that I have 2 brothers. Lucas (Luke) is 21 and studies at a college in America and Taylor goes to an all boys school in the next town over. He's 15. Lucky me!

"Yeah they're good. I face timed Luke earlier and he said that he's coming home for the holidays in about a week. It's not fair that they get to go ice skating the rest of the week for 'doing good'!"

"Pft, Luke and good, yeah no. They don't mix." She scoffs

"I know right!" I screech and we begin to laugh.

"So how's Tay?" She asks, "he still throw Bitch fits whenever you call him that?" She jokes.

"If he heard you say that he would make the driver stop the limo and kick you out. I'd be laughing at your sorry butt." I laugh, which soon turns into a strangled scream as the driver swerves, causing me to get whiplash.

"Hey watch where your driving!" Emily yells, rubbing her red neck. "I got whiplash now!" She whines.

I roll my eyes at her.

"Your not the only one, you know?" Sophie chimes.
"I got a bruised pride now." She adds quietly.


The whole ride there was very... Drama filled.

If you could even call it that.

My poor neck still kills.

Anyways, back to the present.

"Ahh, my butt hurts now!" Mia comments.

"Yeah, same." Sarah agrees. She then turns to me and says, "I'm getting him fired, don't care who he is, his job is coming to an end. TONIGHT! or maybe later on in the week." She smiles wickedly.

"Whatever. I'm never letting him drive us again. I think I'll get Bruce to drive us from now on." I comment, rubbing my sore neck.

"Please do." They all agree.

So that was the journey here.

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