The Hunt Begins

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Two weeks. It's been two weeks since the crash that put my parents in the hospital.

They're now out of the hospital and they're doing quite well to be honest with you.


We're walking home from school. There's me, Mia, Sophie, Sarah, Mike (max's brother, who's surprisingly really nice, unlike max), Calum, Caleb, Ashton and Ben. Jason said he would join us soon because, like every other Tuesday, he has to drop his little sisters at his aunt's house.

I must've zoned out or something cause the questioning voice of my best friend brings me out of thoughts.
"Jessie? Jess? Hello, anybody home?" She asks, annoyance clear in her voice.
I look at her, confused.

"Did you even hear a word I just said?" She asks, narrowing her eyes.
I don't even think, I just try to lie. "Yeah, totally, I so get what you mean" I say giving her a fake smile.

She raises an eyebrow at me, "really, if you heard what I was saying then tell me what I was talking about." She gives a mean smile and she stops us from walking.

I don't say anything.
"Well, I'm waiting" she says, clearly trying to challenge me.
I bite my lip.

"Uhhh, were talking about... uhh... the date you're going on tomorrow?" I try to say confidently, which in this case, is not very confident.

She rolls her eyes before sighing.

"Ugh. No woman, I was saying are you going to the party tonight?" She replies a little to dramatically, because it makes the others stop and look at us. She suddenly frowns. "Wait, what did you just say?"

"About what?" I quickly say.

"The thing you thought I was talking about, when as usual, you weren't listening. Like how you never listen when Jason is never around, actually scratch that, you never listen full stop." She starts to rant. "But noooo, don't listen to Sarah, because nobody ever listens to-"
I cut her off abruptly, clicking my fingers when I realise what she was talking about before she started her rant.

"Oh, you mean when I thought you were talking about you're date tomorrow."
As soon as those words leave my mouth, Sarah stops her rant, her jaw dropping.

"Wha-what, noooo it ... you've gotta be wrong, no... I-it can't be...
Not tomorrow!" She starts yelling, clearly getting stressed.

"No,no,no,no,no,no,NO! Please tell me you're joking. I... no, I said I would go to the cinemas with you guys tomorrow! I'm such a horrible person. I'm such an awful friend!" She declares while hitting her head off the wall next to her.

Suddenly we all burst out laughing, much to Sarah's surprise.
She quickly looks at all of us in a confused way," what are you guys laughing at? It's not funny!" She demands, scowling at us.

"Oh My God! You actually fell for it, I can't believe it!" Sophie manages to wheze through fits of laughter.
"What the hell are you talking about?" She does not look happy.

Mia manages to calm herself enough to speak. "Man, you should have seen your face. It- it w-was hil-hi-hilarious!" Sarah just stands there, looking even more dumbfounded than before. I kinda feel sorry for her.

Mike manages to sober up enough to tell her, "it was a prank, we're off to the cinemas NEXT Friday. We wanted to see if the cinema was more important than your date, guess we thought right."

Sarah turns to me, a scowl marked into her features, " You TRAITOR!!!" She shrieks at me.
I look at her and defend myself. "Hey don't look at me like that! I didn't even know, they said that we'd be going to the cinemas, but you wouldn't be coming cause of your date." Okay maybe I knew like a tiny, little bit of their plan, but it's not like I'm gonna tell her that, is it.

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