the "accident"

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I don't remember much after that freaky call. I guess I must have passed out, I woke up on my bed with a bowl of cold water next to me and a wet cloth over my forehead.
I felt a little weak but I had to get up.

I could hear Jason on the phone and by the sound of his voice, I knew he was telling my parents what had happened.
They were worried, so worried that they decided to pin the blame on Jason. It wasn't him.

But then again I don't know who to trust anymore.
As I snuck up behind him I grabbed the phone out of his hand and said angrily "look Mum, Dad I'm fine and don't pin the blame on Jason because as far as you and me are concerned, he saved my life".

"Really" she grunted "how?" I didn't like my mum's tone at that very moment, but I hated my dad's. As soon as he came to the phone I knew that there would be a huge argument.

He immediately began to question me " how exactly did IT save your life huh?" after a long pause followed he began yelling down the phone " hey, come on tell me, don't ignore me. You little brat, answer m-" I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

I shouted down the phone " bye Mum, bye Dad, I'm off to hang out with Jason, my BOYFRIEND, not an "it", love ya see ya soon." I hung up quickly and turned to Jason.

"Soooo what should we do then?" I asked batting my eyelashes, which turned out to be a bad idea because my mascara made my eyelashes stick together temporarily.
He eventually answered me after a long pause "well for one you need to sit down, so just watch the TV."

I pulled a grumpy face and he added "now... ugh fine, please?" I smiled in reply and dove on the sofa.
"Well?" I called to him when he began walking into the kitchen.
He slowly sighed and turned to me "well...What?" He asked his face a mask of confusion.

"Well aren't you gunna come sit down and watch TV with me? "I questioned again.

"No" he replied quickly and tried to run off.

Well let's just say that after a long argument I finally convinced him to watch TV with me.
"So what do you want to watch?" He asked sitting down. I stared at him "fine then, Gone it is" he said frowning.

After a while, we heard something in my back garden. I froze and Jason went to go check it out.

As soon as he got out of the house and closed the door, my phone started to ring again,with shaky hands I picked up the phone.

"H-hello" I tried to say but my voice barely rose above a whisper.

"Hello again, Jess" they practically sang."What are you doing hiding under the quilts ?"the person grunted. From that moment I knew that they were watching me. I was petrified, my breathing was shaky and I was struggling to breath now.

I said as confidently as I could "who are you? If you call me one more time, my dad will-" I was cut off, which I really didn't appreciate.

The people at the other end of the phone laughed coldly and it sent chills down my spine
"Oh, you don't know yet *laughs* we've already set a little something up for your parents,which I'm sure you would love..."

"What do you mean, what have done to them" I cried, my eyes filling up with tears that threatened to spill.

"Oh we haven't done a thing to them, that was all you, just remember Jessica, you can't escape from us, we're coming for you" on that note, the line went dead...
A few minutes later I got another call.

I answered the phone and cried "stay away from me!" But was shocked to find out that it was the hospital calling to inform me that my parents were in a car "accident" and my sister Roxie was already at the hospital and they recommended that I should stay home.

I knew I was being targeted.

Fright In The Dead Of Night (ON HOLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant