Chapter 2

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Pitter, Patter.

As the heavy rain fell onto the earth, two kids ran through a dark forest. Their chasers behind them, unseen, but still there

"Come on, we have to keep going!" the Jellal shouted through the rain. He had red tattoos around his left eye, detailed and precise.

"I-I can't keep running Jellal!" said the little girl, panting. She had tattoos around her left eye, exactly the same as her brother.

Suddenly, the girl yelped in pain and fell on her knees. Turning, Jellal saw that the little girl's foot was smoking.

'Oh no, those idiots shot her foot!' Jellal thought alarming.

"Go Jellal! Go without me!" the girl shouted. Jellal froze. Then, without saying a word, he crouched down in front of her. "No! Jellal, you can't carry me for that long!" she yelled desperately, as she realized what he wanted to do.

"Yes, I can," Jellal answered with determined eyes. "And if you can't run, then I won't either."

With a sigh, the girl climbed onto Jellal's back. Then they took off. But the girl did her part. She placed her hands on Jellal's shoulders and they lit up with a soft, calming blue aura. A simple spell she learned a long time ago. One that transferred magic energy. After what seemed like an eternity, Jellal slowed to a stop.

"Were -pant, pant- here," Jellal said with exhaustion.

The girl carefully lowered herself to the ground while avoiding her injured foot. She glanced over at Jellal, worry clear in her eyes. "I'm fine," Jellal said trying to reassure the poor girl.

Not convinced, the girl once again reached out with her arms and placed them on his shoulders, sending more energy.

"I'm fine, really. And save your energy. Don't spend it on me," Jellal tried again, pushing off her hands gently. Then, he walked over to the thick bush and pushed it aside.

Behind it was a hole.

Puffing up her cheeks, the girl gave him the No your not look.

Laughing, Jellal said "Really."

Without another word, the girl slid down into the hole, still wary of her smoking, throbbing foot. Watching her go, Jellal turned and looked up to the sky. Please, keep her safe, he prayed quietly.

After that he joined her down the hole.

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