Chapter 3

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The hull of a ship groaned with misery. But the misery the ship felt was nothing compared to what it's prisoners felt.

Inside the ship, everywhere you looked was darkness.

People were in the cargo hold as if they were animals.

Everyone gave off dark aura of negative emotions everywhere. Men yelled angrily, mothers looked for their children, children crying without an end.

In the very corner, sat the two kids who were running through the forest.

The little girl with red tattoos around her left eye shivered with fear as she watched new prisoners board the ship. A five-year-old girl came up to her and asked where they were going. The eleven-year-old female didn't have the heart to tell the five-year-old they had become slaves.

Jellal, age 11, cradled his twin sister in his arms as they watched the five-year-old stagger off. Then he turned his attention to the other slaves. With a sigh, he watched the guards tear off the new slaves jewelry, personal belongings and their clothes. In their place the new slaves put on old rags worn down with age. After thirty minutes, they departed.

Once they set sale, a storm started its rampage. The waves tossed and turned, pushing the boat as if it was only a feather lost by a bird at sea.

Out of nowhere, the large door to the cargo hold swung open. A large guard stood in the doorway. Immediately, the prisoners back away from the door. The guard glanced around the room, as if he was looking for something. Or someone.

Then his eyes landed on the girl with the red tattoos. Then he rushed forward and grabbed the little girl.

"No! Let me go!" she screamed.

"Come on you little brat!" the guard yelled as he yanked her away from the boy.

"Jellal!" the girl yelled, trying to get back to her brother. They grabbed each other's hand.

"Get off!" the guard said as he kicked Jellal away.

"No!" the girl screamed in protest. The guard dragged her away and up a flight of stairs. When they reached a door, he opened it and tossed her inside.

"Here you go boss," he said.

"Why thank you," a new voice said. The little girl looked up at the speaker. He was a tall male and had a scruffy beard. The girl looked down. "So your a shy one, aren't you?" he asked.

"Jellal," she replied, still looking at the floor.

"What?" the man stuttered. He looked at the guard. " What's she talking about? Who's this Jellal?"

"Jellal?" the guard said. "Hmm . . . Ahh! He must be the boy who wouldn't let go of this girl when I dragged her away."

"Is that so . . . " he looked at the girl. "So is that true?" he asked questionably.

"Jellal," she said again, not looking up.

"I said, 'Is that true!'"


The man looked at the guard with annoyance written all over his face..

"Bring me the boy. It looks like she will be of no use to me if I don't have the boy here," the man spat.

Nodding, the guard left the room. Five minutes later, the guard dragged a protesting Jellal into the room and tossed him next to the girl.

"Jellal! Are you all right?" she asked worriedly.

"I'm fine Jelina," Jellal choked back.

"Ahh. Jelina. A wonderful name," the man said.

Jelina flinched. Jellal gasped at his mistake. He recovered quickly.

"So what? Why is that important? What's your name?" He snapped.

"Like you said, it's not important. What is important is that you have a lot of magic energy. And I need it," the man said with a smirk.

"Why? Cause your to weak to do it yourself?" Jellal taunted. Immediately, the large guard slapped him across his face with so much force he flew back and hit the wall behind him.

"Jellal!" Jelina said in panic as she rushed to his side and started fussing over him.

"I'm fine," he mumbled, holding his already swollen cheek.

"Show some respect, boy. Not only am I more powerful than you, I am also wiser and older. And the task I have set for you is not something a proper man like me should do. It is a job meant for slaves like you," he growled.

"Whatever you say, old fart," Jellal said quietly. At first, Jelina gasped in horror, then she started to giggle quietly.

The man looked at Jelina confusingly, clearly he didn't hear Jellal.

"Will be arriving at the tower in a moments few," he said. Prepare to meet your worst nightmare, he thought to himself, a smirk growing on his face.

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