Chapter 9

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Jelina wandered through the majestic city. After getting countless glares, Jelina decided she had enough and would go to the forest instead.

She hiked up and breathed in a breath of forest air.

'Home,' she thought. Then the pain came. 'Jellal.'

She walked on, ignoring the pain in her heart. Her eyes flashed a baby blue color.

'No,' she thought. 'Not again. I will save Jellal. When I get stronger.'

The shadows of the trees fell on top of her. A rush of coolness washed over her as she sighed with relief. The cool air was like a refresher. To her, the cold was far better than the heat. Forest was better than in the city. It offered a blanket of silence to her, which she would gladly take each time.

With a heavy heart, she walked on.

Because of the countless days she spent running through the tunnels, Jelina's legs were much stronger than before. And because of the uneven ground of the tunnels, the forest terrain felt natural and easy. She glided through the forest with such ease, it looked as though she was a ghost, not even touching the ground.

Soon she came to a stop. She sat down, leaning on a tree to think and she quietly wished for a home. One that was like the one she and Jellal lived in, back when they were both free. Oh, she could see their little home. Small and simple. Perfect.

Then she heard a voice. It was small but she could hear it. Coming from . . .

The tree.

She turned and looked at it. Slowly, she raised her hand and placed it on the ancient tree's bark. Immediately, she felt a strong pull of life. It sparked like a flame.

'That way,' it called to her.

Nodding, she ran. She ran fast, almost as fast as the day she fled the Tower.

Then she came to a stop. There, in front of her, was one of the oldest, and wisest tree in the forest. She bent down and placed her hand on its roots. Standing, she walked to the other side and bent down again. There, hidden among its roots was a door.

It was old and beautiful. The arches were perfect. Not a single mistake was in the craftsmanship. The details described fantasy, but it still held reality. Complicated, but not over done. Faded paint made the art look ancient, like Jelina stepped through time. The handle had swirls, making it look like a vine. The tree's ancient roots grew around the door, like a guardian.

Jelina slide down to the door. Now she noticed that the door was tilted at a 45 degree angle.

Reaching, she placed a hand on one of the tree's roots. She could feel life, stronger than the other tree. She also felt happiness radiate from the tree. Smiling, she focus even harder. Then she heard it.

Its voice.

'Please. I know you are doubtful about the idea of living under me. I get it. But Alpin told me about your former home and she sent you to me,' she heard.

'Alpin?' she asked in her head. 'She must be the tree that led me to this one.'

"What's your name?" she asked the tree quietly.

'WillowHeart ,' the tree replied. Jelina could hear the sigh of relief behind the words.

"Well then, Willow let's check this place out," Jelina said, reaching for the doorknob.

Suddenly she felt a mix of sadness, gratefulness, and pain coming from WillowHeart.

"What's wrong Willow?" she felt it again.

'It's just . . . it's been a long time since someone said my name.'

Jelina smiled. "You have me now."

Reaching out, she grasped the doorknob.

The door opened with ease. Jelina was surprised. She was expecting the door to jam up, or at the very least, creak.

It didn't.

Stepping in, she gasped.

Looking around, she loved it.

It was only one room but it was most definitely cute. The shape was half oval and half square. The door was on the oval half. The walls were actually just WillowHeart's roots. The walls were covered with numerous shelves, and in the far left corner, was a pile of beautiful quilts and blankets that Jelina assumed to be a bed, which looked ever so comfortable to Jelina. Next to the bed, in the center of the room, was a brick fireplace. Inside, was a bright red flame, dancing with life. It was big enough to provide light and warmth to the entire room, but strangely enough, large enough to burn everything down. Confused, she walked over.

Placing her hand on the fireplace, she slid her hand down the rough surface. She stuck her hand near the flames. Warm. But cool at the same time. In her heart she knew it couldn't hurt her. Letting out a deep breath, she shoved her hand into the heart of the flames.

It didn't hurt her. Not one bit.

'What?' she thought. 'Th-This doesn't feel like any other flame I've felt before.'

Reaching, she placed her hand on WillowHeart's roots, and repeated the question again.

'That, my dear, is Spark of Life . It's like a normal fire, but it won't destroy everything it touches. It's a magic that can be learned by any mage, but it is extremely hard to master.'

"Can I master it?"

'Of course. All it takes is time and patience.'

"I-I think I like it here," Jelina said quietly.

'Wonderful! Alpin said you would,' Jelina felt a rush of happiness.

"How do I repay you?" Jelina asked.

'No need child. All I want is company. You staying here is more than enough.'

"Okay . . ." Jelina said, still unsure.

'I'm telling the truth.'

"Alright then," Jelina sighed, knowing that she couldn't possibly win the fight.

A thought suddenly rushed through her head.

"Willow? Can you guide me to Alpin?" she asked quietly.

'What for?' WillowHeart asked. She radiated confusion.

"I want to thank her for helping me find you."

'Of course my dear,' WillowHeart said gently but happily.

With the help of Heart, Jelina found Alpin\.

"Alpin right?" Jelina asked, placing her hand on the tree's bark.

'Yes,' Alpin answered. Jelina felt surprise.

"Willow told me," Jelina said smiling.

'Of course she did,' Alpin said with a laugh.

"I wanted to thank you-" Jelina started.

'No need. The entire forest knows that Willow wanted a friend since he left.'

"Who's he?" Jelina asked.

' Unfortunately, that is not my story to tell,' Alpin said. Jelina could feel sadness coming from her.

'Alpin really is a good friend,' Jelina thought.

3 days later (after hours and hours of help from WillowHeart and Alpin), Jelina knew the forest like the tunnels. Every bush, tree, and rock were all memorized into her brain. She also knew everyone's names, which was not an easy task.

And after everyday, Jelina always returned home.


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