Chapter 6

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Blinking rapidly, Jelina snapped back into the present.

Which she really didn't want to.

'I need to hurry and tell Grampa Rob!' Jelina thought urgently as she ran through the tunnels. Ever since that day, Jelina has been living in the tunnels. She found food, water, clothes and shelter in them. Ever since that day, she knew the tunnels like the back of her hand. Ever since that day, she had become a great runner. Ever since that day, she carried pain, misery and secrets. And ever since that day, all she saw was darkness of the tunnels.

Finally, she slowed to a stop. Quietly she pushed a box over to the side.

"Grandpa Rob?" she whispered to a weak looking man. The man turned.

"Jelina my child!" the man known as Grampa Rob said with a smile on his face. "What are you doing here? And where is Jellal?"

Immediately, Jelina burst into tears. Slowly, with Grampa Rob's comfort and kindness, Jelina poured out all that happened a few moments before. She even told Grandpa Rob her memorise, something she and Jellal agreed not to tell anyone. Within moments, she told someone her life.

And after many years, she felt comfort from someone who was not Jellal. Someone she saw as a grandpa she never had. She wanted to tell him even more, but time was not on her side.

Rubbing her back, Grampa Rob kindly looked at her.

"It seems that Jellal has gone over to the dark side," Rob sighed. "That child had potential."

Jelina nodded. But in her opinion, Jellal had no choice but to go to the dark side. But she didn't tell Grampa Rob that.

Suddenly, the sound of running and screaming ended their conversation.

"Go child. Get out of here," Rob told Jelina urgently.

"But how? There are guards all over the place," Jelina stated.

"That was true. My young friend Erza started a revolt. That should be plenty of distraction." Rob informed her.

'Erza? Jellal told me about her,' Jelina thought.

"Go child!" Rob said, a little bit more pushy this time.

Nodding, the child stood and went back into the tunnels. But she before she got to far into the tunnels, she heard Grampa Rob calling for her. Turning, she ran back to him.

"Take this child," he said, as he reached under his rags and pulled out a necklace, and placed it in her hands. The charm was about the size of a Canadian dollar coin, and on it was a silver tree. The background was a beautiful shade of teal. Instead of berries, there were small, shiny, white pearls. Nine of them. Pure and simple, yet lovely in their own way. Along the edges, though were specks of black. But the black made it even more beautiful. The strangest thing was the number 1, written in fancy writing, engraved on the back. It hung on a smooth, black, string.

Jelina looked at Rob.

"Take it," he said. "Take to a place called Fairy Tail. You'll find a new home there. Take care,"

Crying now, she turned and ran back to her tunnels. This time Rob didn't stop her.

Running, the child suddenly felt a pull.

'Something's wrong,' she thought, veering to where she thought the pull was coming from.

Finally, she slowed down and pushed aside an owl.

What she saw was chaos. The slaves, battling for their freedom, the soldiers trying to defeat them. But many of the slaves were already died. Then she saw a patch of red in a sea of grey.

"Erza," she whispered quietly. She was standing alone at the battle front. The slaves behind her, retreating. Her beautiful scarlet locks swayed behind her, but her eye blazed with fury and determination. But it also held onto a little fear.

Out of nowhere magic soldiers appeared. Jelina screamed, pulling herself away, fearing for the worst. But as she turned, she saw Grandpa Rob standing in front of Erza. Looking at his state, Jelina knew what he did to save Erza. Crying, she saw the man who was like a grandfather to her die.

Turning, she clutched the necklace and ran back to the tunnels.

'I have to make it, for Grampa Rob!' she thought as she ran.

Tears streaming like waterfalls, she jumped into the sea.

For her freedom. And her life.

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