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"You had to get in trouble, didn't you?" Ma'at exclaimed.

He was in the middle of filing a report while I was sorting recent reports into urgent and can wait piles. We were in the war room of the resistance headquarters, well at least one of them, taking care of any reports that needed to be read or answered. The room was nothing special, just a large, soundproofed room with a gigantic oak table within it and many, many chairs.

"I wasn't asking for Amaranthe to kill many in the center army and scare my commander witless" I snapped back.

"But those pricks didn't need to know how much power and skill you possess, to even want to call you to fight for them when you're on lockdown. Or worse, make an enemy of Amaranthe no doubt. There are rumors going around that she'll promote whoever brings you to her with your head still attached". He looked up into my eyes and grinned with relentless mirth, "you did very well, little slayer".

I scoffed at his little nickname for me from the title Seacum slayer or destroyer depending on who you ask, but in my heart, I like to think that I freed it more than killed it. I go back to work while also thinking of why I currently wasn't on the battlefield. 

"I will punish you both, but only give my thanks to one of you" Berkeley had said. I had stood there waiting for his verdict, imagining all the brutal things he could have ordered done to me, but with a completely blank face. But I was surprised again by this male sitting in front of me. Cauldron, I really have a low opinion of males, don't I?

"Captain Kooli Jabari, you are hereby stripped of your position. Your second in command will become captain of your men and you'll be under his command now. You were given a position of honor and when the time came, showed you couldn't handle it".

"You can't do this General Asim gave me the position and my father-".

"As long as I'm in charge of the lives of this army, I won't have an incompetent man leading my soldiers to their deaths. No matter who assigned them that position, or whose lineage they come from, they got to work to keep their spot" Berkeley informs him.

"Nashira Gamal, for assuming command of your captain's troops and the right flank you are to be demoted to an ordinary foot soldier and have a reduced salary for a year". 

He looked at me and I saw the gratitude in his eyes before he even spoke his next words.  

"But I thank you for ending the slaughter that was today's battle" he had shame written all over his face at his next words, " I'm ashamed at the order I gave you to die for the greater good of the army. I don't take for granted your service to the army and for cutting down a serious thorn in our sides" he said with a slight smile on his face.

Paper flew in my face as the grand doors were swung open violently by a hurried messenger.

"Where is a High Lord? No, it doesn't matter who, I just need someone in charge" asked the male frantically.

"Tell me your news" Ma'at snaps to the male with authority. You would think that his harsh tone would frighten the messenger more, but he seemed relieved that he found someone with authority in the room.

"Yes sir, I'm reporting from the forces stationed in Vallahan. General Piquart is requesting reinforcements" the male declared. Ma'at narrowed his eyes at him, at least that's what I assumed because he was wearing his veil non-stop lately.

"Why is he requesting troops? He has enough to withhold the forces stationed there against him" Ma'at said.

The male swallowed, and a new light of fear entered his eyes. 

"Sir, Hybern is there. And he brought an army of the Naga with him".

Ma'at visibly flinched at that and paced furiously in front of the large table where he was just filing reports a few minutes before. The messenger looked exhausted now that I inspected him close and I saw faint claw marks on his armor from where a Naga must have tried to claw him to death. But it was covered by a thick layering of black foul blood and other things no doubt. All sure signs that he's been fighting the Naga.

"I'll meet with a High Lord soon and have them send the reinforcements" Ma'at declared while gathering a few reports to take with him.

"No sir, we need them now" the messenger pleaded. "Our army is currently engaging them-and losing".

Ma'at's expression didn't visibly change, but I knew him well enough to know that he was stressed.

"What did it look like before you left?" I question the messenger to buy some more time for Ma'at to consider his options and it was one we anyways needed the answer to.

"Not good. The whole vanguard is either dead or injured and our reserve was barely holding their lines. The general looked to be at his wit's end when he sent me. Please sir, those reinforcements can't wait" the messenger begged Ma'at.

I looked to Ma'at and saw his face change into one of determination-and dread. When he turned to me, I knew just what he had in mind before he even said it.

"Shamshir, I override the probationary punishment order placed on you by General Berkeley and send you to the army stationed at Vallahan." He looked me straight in the eyes with his dark eyes and told me, "I know I said that you needed to keep a low profile, but we can't- ignore what I said and do your duty. Kill those vermin" I saluted at him before making my way out of the war room without looking back.

Off to war I go again. No, not war. Off to a slaughter.

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