Why stay?

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This place makes me unhappy
And I don't want to stay
Maybe if you're lucky
You'll see me again someday

What is this place
That you want me to call home?
Yet when I need you most,
I find myself alone

You always say we're close
But you don't know half the tears I shed
You dont know all the times
I spent wishing I were dead

So what is left for me?
But to wipe my tears away
If there is no love for me,
What is the point to stay?


Hey, guys! This is a pretty depressing start to my book, but I just had to add this in there.

Welcome aboard my fellow MIA's (It's my nickname, if you haven't caught on).

Along with that bit of info, I would also just like to start of on an honest foot, and admit that I am working and publishing under a different name.

Furthermore, I am only fifteen and have very little experience with writing poems, [though my favourite poets are Robert Frost and Erin Hanson (e.h)], just to remind you about the quality of these poems.



That's all for now. Peace out,bra!!

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