
9 2 1

He helped her up
Into the sky
Then gave her wings
So she could fly
But in return,
She bid him goodbye
Then cut his wings
So he would die
For there was only one place,
For an angel in the sky,
Only enough space
For one angel to fly


Anybody else ever get this kind of gratitude from someone?
I mean, you do them this one massive, life-altering favor, and in return, they throw you under the bus?

Aren't people just lovely?😆

Oh, and hey, Dani, while you're at it, why don't you remove this knife from my back?!

Like seriously people?

All I want, is a simple thank you!

And a chocolate...

Oh, and you know, I really like teddies too!!

And how about some cash? You know, for my medical bills...

But don't forget the most important thank-you-gift:

A dose of decency!
This ones from me to you, of course!!!

Missing In Action

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